Friday, October 18, 2019

Ethical leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethical leadership - Assignment Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that ethical leadership is more respected and leaders who implement ethical practices in their actions are known to be established as role models by the followers. But this definition has certain constraints because it looks at leadership from a relativist point of view. Other scholars argue that ethical leadership is a theoretical concept that is difficult to be implemented in the practical world. Some authors also indicate that ethical leadership is much dependant on the individual leader and his social and cultural background. Brown, Mitchel, and Trevino conceptualizes ethical leadership as a part of their social learning theory. The social learning theory establishes that the ethical leaders can influence the employees to display ethical behavior by implementing ethical practices in their own activities. Ethical behavior of the leaders helps to establish the visible and powerful position for the leaders in the organization and helps them to get the attention and interest of the employees. An ethical leadership involves different formal and personal instances. Though there are different views regarding ethical leadership, the most common consensus goes to the fact that ethical leadership is critical in improving the effectiveness of organizations in the current business environment. Ethical leadership is emerging as an important concept in the retail industry. The ethical leadership practices in a leading multinational retailer, Tesco Plc. can be sued as a suitable example to demonstrate the importance of ethical leadership in the current business world. The former CEO of Tesco, Tarry Leahy focused on building the business based on morally right values so as to attract conscious and morally like-minded employees and customers. Tarry Leahy demonstrated ethical leadership in his tenure as the CEO of Tesco Plc.

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