Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Criminal Justice System Is A System - 1307 Words
Susan Mellen: Wronfully Convicted The criminal justice system is a system that prides itself on being able to help control crime and implement penalties to those that commit crimes. There is a specific way into which a person enters the justice system. First, a crime is committed. The crime is reported and that leads to an investigation. Once the investigation is completed and there is enough evidence, an arrest can be made (The Criminial Justice System, 2008). But what happens if something goes wrong within the investigation? What happens if there is a lot of pressure to make an arrest in the case? The answer is that people get wrongfully convicted. When an investigation is not done correctly, it can cause innocent people, such as Susan Marie Mellen, to be wrongfully convicted and spend many unnecessary years in prison. Susan Mellen, a mother of three children, was wrongfully convicted of murder in 1997. Susan was tried and convicted in the murder of Ricky Daly, her one time boyfriend. Ricky’s body was found gagged, bound, and set on fire after being violently attacked with a hammer (CBS, 2014). The night of the attack Susan was with both of her daughters and her current boyfriend’s father, Jim. Susan and her boyfriend Tom were moving into a new house. That is when Ricky was attacked in an abandoned house. There were many reports to police that Ricky was killed by members of a gang. Those gang members names were â€Å"Wicked†, â€Å"Ghost†, and â€Å"Payaso†(Innocence Matters, 2014).Show MoreRelatedJustice Systems And The Criminal Justice System Essay1248 Words  | 5 PagesThe criminal justice system is a complex and often uncoordinated system that operates by enforcing the law and seeking justice across countless jurisdictions. It is comprised of many separat e agencies including agencies at the federal, state, and local level. Each agency has its own function and goals while operating at different levels of government. The agencies also represent different concerns and values of the public, creating a fragmented system rather than a monolithic, unified system. A monolithicRead MoreCriminal Justice System1524 Words  | 7 Pagesfor the Criminal Justice System is to reduce the crime and the fire of crime. In order to achieve this it is using different agencies and the major of them are the Police, Prosecution, Courts, Prisons and Probation. They all are operating in synchrony for achieving their legal responsibilities and particularly for reducing the level of crime. The aim of this essay specifically is to discuss the functions of the police and how they actually fit with the objectives of the Criminal Justice System as aRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System1308 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Criminal Justice System The criminal justice system refers to the way in which a society chooses to handle all aspects of crime and punishment. In the Western world, particularly the United States, the criminal justice system is an official governmental system that focuses on crime and punishment, though some societies still incorporate a significant amount of informal social controls into their criminal justice systems. The criminal justice system covers everything from crime-prevention andRead MoreCriminal Justice System1308 Words  | 6 PagesNorways criminal justice system is doing something right. The few citizens that go to prison usually only go once. How does Norway achieve this? The country relies on a method called restorative justice, which aims to repair the harm caused by crime rather than punish people. This system is purely focused on rehabilitating prisoners. The United States, on the other hand, places focus on incarceration and incapacitation. This is where the methodologies clash: sho uld the criminal justice system be responsibleRead MoreThe On The Criminal Justice System984 Words  | 4 PagesGarland (2001), view on â€Å"the criminal justice system in America was created to keep communities safe, to respect and restore victims, and to return offenders who leave prison to be self-sufficient and law-abiding. Treatment simply did not work either by therapy or broader social programs and became is a monumental failure that our states and nation can no longer afford†(p.61) Garland (2001) stated â€Å"that the collapse of faith in our correction system began a wave of demoralization that underminedRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System720 Words  | 3 Pages Victims usually adopt a subsidiary role in the courts, compared to the accused or offender (Booth, 2016). Victim-focused law reforms are open to many jurisdictions throughout Australia, and majority of systems which follow the adversarial nature of proceedings (Garkawe, 2007). The justice system aims to enforce a therapeutic structure, however, in some instances this fails to be upheld for the victim. In a sentencing hearing, an offender’s mitigating factors may reduce their sentence, thereforeRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System1667 Words  | 7 PagesThe criminal justice system has for long been faced by a lot of caseloads, an issue which has been heaping a lot of pressure on the stakeholders.  The cause of increased workload is lack of adequate resources to deal with the caseload. Some people have argued that the only way to deal with the overloads is to provide more money to the criminal justice systems so that everyone involved will be able to do the required tas ks and in so doing reduce the number of cases while scholars think that the onlyRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System1305 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout this course, I have learned about the many segments of the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system is made up of three main elements which process a case from initiation, through trial, to punishment. First a case starts with law enforcement officials, who investigate crime and gather evidence to identify and use against the assumed suspect. The case then proceeds to the court system, which evaluates the evidence to decide if the defendant is guilty or innocent. If the defendantRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System1597 Words  | 7 PagesThe purpose of the criminal justice system is explained by three definitions: Control crime, Prevent crime, and provide and maintain justice. This sense of criminal justice has been the same since pre-civilized communities, where the elders of a tribe enforced the laws of the village . The criminal justice system has changed drastically from the times of kinship systems to today’s system of laws. As time has passed criminal justice has change in many ways, for example: the way they dress, arrest,Read MoreThe And The Criminal Justice System923 Words  | 4 Pagesthe attention of many scholars. They argue that while the practice has its advantages, it also has crippling drawbacks such as overpopulation in prisons and the undermining the presumption of innocence; the main principle which defines the criminal justice system. Individuals charged with an alleged offense are â€Å"remanded into custody through the issuance of a warrant of committal by a JP or judge†(Griffiths, 2015, pp. 179) and are continued to be held in prison for an indefinite time until they are
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Alcohol Consumption Essay - 2409 Words
Alcohol consumption poses a threat for many public health harms. Impaired driving is one of the largest contributors to motor vehicle crashes (Burris, Grunwald, Anderson, Filippoli, 2011). In the United States each year roughly 13,400 people die and an additional 255,500 are injured in motor vehicle crashes involving an alcohol-impaired driver according to Burris et al., 2011. In 2006, these crashes accounted for almost a third of all U.S. traffic-related deaths (Burris et al., 2011). Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance in the United States according to Pandrea, Happel, Amedee, Bagby, Nelson, 2010, and studies show that reducing alcohol consumption can lead to public health improvements such as decreased incidence of†¦show more content†¦But even with the slightest inclination eliminating chocolate milk or federal tax on soda will eliminate sugar from obese population’s diet and thereby reduce weight, support groups and supporting research seem to load up the band wagons. Alcohol abuse is certainly an epidemic, and the domino effect of negativity it can cause in one’s life and surroundings creates a dismal forecast into the future of American public health somewhat similar to the obesity epidemic. Obesity and alcohol consumption act as a comparison between two similar, yet contradictory issues, much like public health and public health law. High-risk drinking results in many consequences for public health and unlike obesity and soda tax, a multitude of systematic literature reviews conducted by highly-regarded scholars and published by credible organizations or peer-reviewed journals prove taxes that increase the price of alcohol effectively reduce overall alcohol consumption. Although ways to reduce alcohol consumption are not made glamorous in the news like many other trending public health epidemics, alcohol abuse is one of the few conflicts public health epidemiologists and economists have derived a bullet proof plan of action to effecti vely reduce its harmful effects. This manuscript serves as an evidence brief summarizing the problem, the law, the evidence, and theShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Alcohol On Alcohol Consumption1373 Words  | 6 Pageswhether or not alcohol should be prohibited. In most countries, at a certain age, adults are allowed to purchase alcohol without being limited to certain choices. However, with the rise of alcoholic products, there are concerns for public health and safety. Many people argue that restrictions should be placed on alcohol consumption. To begin with, there are several factors that involve in alcohol consumption. Studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between alcohol consumption and crimeRead MoreEffects Of Alcohol On The Consumption Of Alcohol1288 Words  | 6 PagesAlcohol consumption is highly prominent around the world and Australia. Most Australians have consumed alcohol at some point of time in their lives. Most individuals doing so at a level that is acceptable and does not lead to any ill health or injury. There is, however, an issue with the misuse and abuse of alcohol in Australia across all age groups. This paper will discuss the use of alcohol in Australia broadly before focusing on the consumption of alcohol in the 16-29 year old age group. ThisRead MoreAlcohol Consumption : The Effects Of Alcohol On The Body1312 Words  | 6 Pages Alcohol Consumption: The Effects of Alcohol on the Body Thamara Jean-Jacques Professor: Nina Walker Biology 115 October 17, 2015 Lithonia Campus Abstract Drinking alcohol for a period of time or even binge drinking cause harm your heart. Alcohol increases the risk for heart attack, strokes, and hypertension. In 2013, a total of 71,713 people died of liver disease the ages ranged from 12 and older. Alcohol has also been known to affect the pancreas, large amounts of alcohol can confuseRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol On The Consumption Of Alcohol1950 Words  | 8 PagesThere are a multitude of aspects to consider as to why an individual would be dependent on the consumption of alcohol. One being the living environment of an individual has an effect on alcohol abuse according to the studies found, McCaul et al (2009) talks about this theme and goes on to say that the more licensed alcohol establishment’s in one particular area means it’s more likely for someone to drink on a regular basis as it’s not out of their way. Another reason may be the individual’s emotionalRead MoreThe Effects Of Stress On Alcohol Consumption2606 Words  | 11 PagesThe effects of stress on alcohol consumption since the start of nursing school Alcohol is chemically described as â€Å"a colorless, volatile, flammable liquid that is the intoxicating constituent of wine, beer, spirits and other drinks, and is also used as an industrial solvent and as fuel.†Humans have been making and consuming alcohol for at least 11,000 years (Brice, 2012). Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, thought to enhance the action of GABA in the brain, an inhibitory transmitterRead MoreAlcohol Consumption Essay2262 Words  | 10 PagesAlcohol Consumption [Abstract] Everyone knows that alcohol has its consequences. At the same time, people don’t care and brush off the consequences in order to have a good time. This paper summarizes studies done on the physical, cognitive and emotional effects that alcohol has on people, before and after consumption. This paper accesses the effects on a person’s body, mind and soul. Alcohol affects the way a person thinks, acts, and feels. Methods include gathering statistical informationRead MoreAdverse Effect Of Alcohol Consumption1321 Words  | 6 PagesThe Adverse Effect of Alcohol Consumption In Whiting S. Albert’s article â€Å"Alcohol Use Is Harmful†he stated that alcohol is a chemical that contains hydrogen and carbon. Whiting stated further that the active ingredient of alcohol is ethyl alcohol, which is also known as ethanol. Alcohol is one of the few things that human being consume that do not need digestion. Alcohol appears the bloodstream immediately, thus, its intoxicating effects are felt instantly (1). â€Å"High levels of mortality, morbidityRead MoreThe Alcohol Consumption Of Residents Of On Campus894 Words  | 4 Pagesobserve the difference between the alcohol consumption of residents of on campus Design The study will be an experimental between-subjects design. There will be one independent variables and it will have two levels. The independent variable will be the residency type of the student (On-campus and Off-campus). The residency type will be determined through a survey before choosing the participants. The dependent variable will be the alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption will be tested through ETG testingRead MorePreventative Measures of Alcohol Consumption in Kazakhstan1278 Words  | 6 Pagessociety has identified the increase of levels of alcohol consumption as a major problem, along with corruption, poverty, unemployment, and epidemic illnesses. Current levels of alcohol consumption would seem to be high enough to place Kazakhstan amongst the heaviest spirits-drinking countries in the world, although not high enough for the top place. Many of Kazakhstani social, demographic and health problems are attributable to the misuse of alcohol. According to Davis, this v iew is shared with someRead MoreAlcohol Consumption Among College Students1225 Words  | 5 PagesAbstract Alcohol consumption is an important social concern for many people. This study opted to analyze how gender affects the level of alcohol consumption among college students. After conducting a survey with 30 participants, the results proved that H1 hypothesis â€Å"Gender significantly affects the level of alcohol consumption†was validated with a p-value of 0.026. Additionally, H2 hypothesis â€Å"Men significantly consume more alcohol than women do†was also validated with a mean of 2.4 in terms of
Monday, December 9, 2019
Tesco Globalization in Pestel Framework free essay sample
Framework Political Factors Tesco is currently serving people in 14 countries across the world. The global operationsof the company make it vulnerable to the political and legal frameworks of these countries whichcan impact the market position of the company. There are large numbers of legislations passed by the governments regarding the employment of their own citizens (Balchin, 1994). The government of the countries these days pressurizes the company to offer job opportunitiesranging from flexible to highly paid skilled jobs to their citizens.Tesco has to meet the governmental and demographic requirements of these countries byemploying large numbers of local citizens including students, disabled, women and elderlyworkers to effectively meet the regulations related to employment. Economic Factors The economic factors hold importance for the companies operating in the diverselocations. These factors can have direct influence on the business operations, customer buying,demand, cost of production and services, revenues and prices of the merchandise.Moreover, thehigh rate of unemployment in the country decreases demand for large number of goods and themanufacturing capabilities of the companies. We will write a custom essay sample on Tesco Globalization in Pestel Framework or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These factors influencing the business capabilities of a company are outside its control but the effects of these factors on a firm ¶s performance can be severe. The international businessof Tesco is still growing and generating revenue but the company is mainly dependent on theeconomy of UK. So if there is any fluctuation in the economy and the markets of UK, Tesco willlikely to be among the suffering companies. Social Factors According to Clarke et al (1994) and Data monitor Report (2003), the current shift in theBritish customer buying trends has impacted the business of various firms. The currentcustomers are usually availing bulk purchase options from one single retailer one stop option? which is mainly due to the social changes in the culture. Tesco is more on nonfood items in itsstores than the food items. There are also demographic shifts in the country including aging people, increased rate of female workers and a declining ratio of home cooked food items.Thissocial change has led the retailers in United Kingdom to focus more on the products and servicesto meet customer requirements. Similarly the retailers are more focusing on their private label products than offering the other brands as well as on the distribution networks and other operational improvements. Likewise, the customers are now more interested of the products andservices that meet the health care requisites. Technological Factors Technology plays an important role in influencing the company ¶s performance and itsmanufacturing capabilities.Tesco employs latest technological advancements for the retail business and other services it offers. The latest technologies facilitate the customers and thecompany both. According to the Data Monitor Report (2003) the customers feel great ease andsatisfaction due to the availability of more personalized and convenient shopping services whichis mainly due to the technological advancements employed at shopping arenas. The latesttechnologies employed by Tesco include wireless equipment, intelligent scale, and electronicsystem of product labeling, as well as Radi o Frequency Identification system (Tesco, 2011). According to Finch (2004) technologies like electronic point of sale has enhanced thequality of services and the operational and business capabilities of the companies by increasingthe efficient distribution and inventory systems. Environmental Factors There is a great deal of pressure on the companies to comply with the environmental laws and to understand their responsibility towards the society (Lindgreen and Hingley, 2003). The corporate social responsibility of the company states that Tesco tries to adopt business practicethat helps the societies in development (Johnson Scholes, 2003).In 2003 the government of United Kingdom has launched a new strategy that is based on the sustainability of consumption and the production procedures by cutting the level of wastes, reducing the amount of resources consumed and minimizing the damage the toxic waste has been causing to the environment. Moreover, a new resolution was passed by the government for the advertisement of processed and fa tty products which has directly impacted the Tesco’s product ranges and led it to adapt its product offerings which has in turn affected its relationship with the suppliers and the end users (Graiser Scott, 2004).
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald and The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Essay Example For Students
The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald and The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Essay In the novels The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald and The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, the authors present similar ideas, but use different methods to portray them. Similarities in themes can be made between the two texts; these include the pursuit of the American Dream and the use and misuse of wealth. Other themes are also central to each novel, the strength in unity and the influence of female characters. The presentation of these similar themes is different, by the use of characters, setting, society, plot, and style and techniques employed by the author. The pairing of these two texts gave me a clear understanding of how authors can present similar ideas in different ways. Both authors present the pursuit of the American Dream as a major theme; however this is done quite differently. The characters in both The Grapes of Wrath and The Great Gatsby are trying to pursue the American Dream; however the interpretation of the dream is very different. Tom and Daisy Buchanan are focused on the outcome of the dream; to be prosperous, secure and achieve social status. We will write a custom essay on The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald and The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now They believe that their achievement and success at pursuing the dream is displayed purely by their wealth and materialistic possessions. Due to this belief, they frantically chase pleasure and in their chase never achieve true happiness, and so never achieve the dream. In The Grapes of Wrath the Joads and the Oakies are also trying to achieve the American Dream, by being hardworking, honest and showing integrity. They are focussed on the path of the dream, rather than the material possessions and wealth. They desire the basics of life; food to eat, a house to live in and some security, to protect them. The different interpretations of the American dream allowed me to achieve an understanding of how Fitzgerald and Steinbeck use different methods to present the same theme. Tom and Daisys interpretation of the American Dream is shown by Fitzgerald in Nicks evaluation of Toms house. He describes the house as being even more elaborate than expected the lawn ran for a quarter of a mile the front reflected with gold this emphasises their focus on materialistic worth and possessions. Steinbeck describes the simplicity of the dreams of the Joads in Mas description of the boxcar. Its nice, she said. Its almost nicer than anything we had. The setting of each novel also conveys the theme of the American Dream. The authors convey the same theme using different surroundings, but with similar meanings, reinforcing my understanding of how authors present similar ideas in different ways. The Great Gatsby is set in the Jazz Age of the 1920s in New York, however The Grapes of Wrath is set a decade later during the depression of the 1930s. Each author emphasises the importance of the setting in relation to the American Dream, rather symbolically. In The Great Gatsby there are references made by Fitzgerald to the East and West Eggs and the Valley of Ashes. In the East Egg the American Dream has been corrupted and is no longer about honesty and hard work, where Tom and Daisy live. In the West Egg the American Dream is still alive, where Gatsby and Nick live. The Valley of Ashes represents the struggle of survival of the working class people and their pursuit of the dream, much the same way as in the Joads story in The Grapes of Wrath. Oklahoma is described as dry, dusty and lifeless, symbolising the withering and death of the American Dream. California however is the promise land, of green and fruitful valleys, a clear symbol of hope and the opportunity to still achieve the dream. The plot of each story is also important in presenting the pursuit of the American Dream, showing how two entirely different stories can present similar themes. Fitzgerald sets his story among the wealthy, selfish and materialistic characters in upper class New York. The main storyline is the task of Gatsby trying to achieve his American Dream, winning back the love of Daisy. Steinbecks focus on the other hand, is on the poor, dispossessed migrant farmers trying to survive and achieve their interpretation of the American Dream. Even though the plots are quite different, they both show the pursuit of the American Dream and the difficulties of achieving it. Both Fitzgerald and Steinbeck employ the use of writing techniques to portray the American Dream. The green light on Daisys dock is a symbol used by Fitzgerald, directing Gatsby to follow his dream of winning back the love of Daisy, green representing go. .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b , .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b .postImageUrl , .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b , .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b:hover , .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b:visited , .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b:active { border:0!important; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b:active , .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Great Gatsby: Tragedy From Lies EssaySteinbeck employs the use of a turtle in chapter three to symbolise the struggle for survival, the pursuit of the American Dream and the perseverance of the human spirit. The use and misuse of wealth is also a theme central to both novels. The characters who are wealthy are also suggested to be powerful, indicating that wealth equals power and dominance within the social structures of both societies. The wealthy are also portrayed as abusing, or misusing this power. This is shown by Tom in The Great Gatsby as well as the banks and large farm owners in The Grapes of Wrath. Tom uses his wealth to control George Wilson, by providing financial support for his business and making Wilson dependant on him to survive and support his wife, Myrtle. Toms power and control over Wilson are also expressed by his affair with Myrtle, an example of his control and manipulation over Wilsons entire life. Tom also abuses his power and control over Myrtle when he assaults her, breaking her nose. In The Grapes of Wrath the banks misuse their wealth and power by forcing the farmers to leave their homes. This also occurs in California, with the large farm owners misusing their wealth and power by running the smaller farms out of business, and lowering the wages of workers to below the cost of living. These differing ways of representing the misuse of power show the manipulation and selfishness of the wealthy that both authors want to make clear to the reader, strengthening my understanding of how authors present similar themes in different ways. Writing styles and techniques can also be used in different ways to present similar themes. Both Fitzgerald and Steinbeck use colloquial speech to emphasise the vernacular used by the characters who do not have power in society, and to also reinforce their victimisation by the misuse of wealth by the powerful. In The Great Gatsby, Myrtle is shown to speak with poor grammar and the mispronunciation of words; I got to call up my sister I got to write down a list things I got to do. In The Grapes of Wrath the Oakies are also portrayed using similar speech; well, it aint yourn, an it aint gonna be yourn, No but I would a. Twicet to-day she worked my girl up. This use of vernacular shows how the powerless is these societies are portrayed as being less than and inferior to the wealthy, who mistreatment them. Imagery is also used by both authors to show the monstrosity of Tom and the banks and to reinforce their power and wealth, and the abuse of it. Through the eyes of Nick, Fitzgerald physically describes Tom as a monster enormous power of that body a cruel body a brute of a man. The psychological power and misuse of wealth by the banks is described in an interchapter. Steinbeck personifies the bank as a monster; The bank must have as though the Bank was a monster, They breathe profits; they eat the interest on money. The large land owners are also described as monsters in this chapter; Or an owner with fifty thousand acres thats the monster. The societies in which both novels are set also play a part in the continuity of the misuse of wealth by the powerful. It is made clear to the reader that society approves of or cannot stop the misuse of wealth, no matter what they do. In The Great Gatsby, the author shows the corruption of the valley of ashes by the misuse of wealth and abuse of power by people like Tom Buchanan. Fitzgerald also suggests that these people have no control over this corruption and are left helpless to accept the exploitation of the wealthy. This idea is symbolised by Fitzgerald in Wilsons desire, but failure, to move west; away from corruption. This idea is also symbolised by Wilsons death, caused ultimately by the self-interest and utilisation of Tom and Daisy, for him to dispose of Gatsby. In The Grapes of Wrath Steinbeck suggests that no one can stop the oppression and tyranny made by the powerful and wealthy. This idea is symbolised by the workers of the banks, where every man in a bank hates what the bank does, and yet the bank does it they cant control it. .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a , .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a .postImageUrl , .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a , .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a:hover , .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a:visited , .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a:active { border:0!important; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a:active , .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Narrator draws EssayThis idea is also expressed during Mas shopping trip to the Hooper Farm store. The clerk is forced to work at the store to support his family, despite the exploitation and deceit of the workers. He is also poor but is unable to stop the succession of poverty. The different societies show how the similar theme of the use and misuse of power can be shown clearly to the reader. In both novels, there are significant, influential female characters that are central to the development of the plot. In The Great Gatsby, Daisy is portrayed negatively by Fitzgerald, as being weak, selfish and materialistic. Her influence lies in the life of Gatsby, as she is t he sole reason for his quest for wealth; she is his interpretation of the American Dream. Gatsby is willing to do anything for Daisy. This idea is supported by his decision to cover for Daisy in Myrtles accidental death. Daisys power over Gatsby is so great that she is able to ultimately cause his death on the assumption of her influence. In The Grapes of Wrath Ma is portrayed positively by Steinbeck, as being strong, altruistic and compassionate. Mas influence over her family is so strong that she is able to provide hope when there is nothing to hope for, and to provide strength for the family when the strength of everyone is flagging. The authors presentation of Daisy and Ma, show how entirely different characters can present the same theme; as influential women. The theme of strength in unity is also central to both novels. In The Great Gatsby the success of unity is shown by the conspiring of Tom and Daisy to frame Gatsby for Myrtles death, ultimately causing the demise of both him and Wilson. In The Grapes of Wrath the unity of the Oakies and the destitute is also shown. Steinbeck symbolises this unity in the giving and caring attitude that radiates from the Joad family and the Oakies. Even when they have nothing themselves they still continue giving to others that are worse of than them. The Wilsons give help to the Joads when Granma dies and they fix their car in return, Ma gives the poor children stew when there is none to spare, the clerk lends Ma a nickel to buy sugar; these are all examples of the unity of the poor. This idea is summarised in Mas statement: If youre in trouble or hurt or need go to poor people. Theyre the only ones that will help the only ones. Steinbeck also summarises the importance of unity in chapters fourteen and seventeen. The statement This is the thing to bomb. This is the beginning from I to we symbolises that strength in unity is what will save the Oakies, working together, towards the common good to achieve dreams. The expression the twenty families became one family, the children were the children of all. also reinforces the theme of strength in unity and the need for unison. Steinbeck is suggesting that without it, the quest for the American dream will be hopeless. Throughout society, strength in unity is also shown. In The Great Gatsby, unity is shown by the wealthy sticking together, i. e. Tom and Daisy and by the unity of criminals, i. e. Gatsby and Wolfshiem. In The Grapes of Wrath unity is shown by Oakies in the government camp, where the Oakies have the power, and are free from corruption. Steinbeck is suggesting that this is what the Oakies need to accomplish externally to achieve their dream, and without unity the Oakies will never prevail. The pursuit of the American Dream is a major theme throughout the novels The Great Gatsby and The Grapes of Wrath. Other prominent themes are the use and misuse of power, the strength in unity and the influence of female characters. The similarities in themes are presented in very different ways by the authors, F. Scott Fitzgerald and John Steinbeck. By presenting their similar ideas in different ways, I was able to obtain a clear understanding of how authors can present similar themes using different methods.
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