Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Criminal Justice System Is A System - 1307 Words
Susan Mellen: Wronfully Convicted The criminal justice system is a system that prides itself on being able to help control crime and implement penalties to those that commit crimes. There is a specific way into which a person enters the justice system. First, a crime is committed. The crime is reported and that leads to an investigation. Once the investigation is completed and there is enough evidence, an arrest can be made (The Criminial Justice System, 2008). But what happens if something goes wrong within the investigation? What happens if there is a lot of pressure to make an arrest in the case? The answer is that people get wrongfully convicted. When an investigation is not done correctly, it can cause innocent people, such as Susan Marie Mellen, to be wrongfully convicted and spend many unnecessary years in prison. Susan Mellen, a mother of three children, was wrongfully convicted of murder in 1997. Susan was tried and convicted in the murder of Ricky Daly, her one time boyfriend. Ricky’s body was found gagged, bound, and set on fire after being violently attacked with a hammer (CBS, 2014). The night of the attack Susan was with both of her daughters and her current boyfriend’s father, Jim. Susan and her boyfriend Tom were moving into a new house. That is when Ricky was attacked in an abandoned house. There were many reports to police that Ricky was killed by members of a gang. Those gang members names were â€Å"Wicked†, â€Å"Ghost†, and â€Å"Payaso†(Innocence Matters, 2014).Show MoreRelatedJustice Systems And The Criminal Justice System Essay1248 Words  | 5 PagesThe criminal justice system is a complex and often uncoordinated system that operates by enforcing the law and seeking justice across countless jurisdictions. It is comprised of many separat e agencies including agencies at the federal, state, and local level. Each agency has its own function and goals while operating at different levels of government. The agencies also represent different concerns and values of the public, creating a fragmented system rather than a monolithic, unified system. A monolithicRead MoreCriminal Justice System1524 Words  | 7 Pagesfor the Criminal Justice System is to reduce the crime and the fire of crime. In order to achieve this it is using different agencies and the major of them are the Police, Prosecution, Courts, Prisons and Probation. They all are operating in synchrony for achieving their legal responsibilities and particularly for reducing the level of crime. The aim of this essay specifically is to discuss the functions of the police and how they actually fit with the objectives of the Criminal Justice System as aRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System1308 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Criminal Justice System The criminal justice system refers to the way in which a society chooses to handle all aspects of crime and punishment. In the Western world, particularly the United States, the criminal justice system is an official governmental system that focuses on crime and punishment, though some societies still incorporate a significant amount of informal social controls into their criminal justice systems. The criminal justice system covers everything from crime-prevention andRead MoreCriminal Justice System1308 Words  | 6 PagesNorways criminal justice system is doing something right. The few citizens that go to prison usually only go once. How does Norway achieve this? The country relies on a method called restorative justice, which aims to repair the harm caused by crime rather than punish people. This system is purely focused on rehabilitating prisoners. The United States, on the other hand, places focus on incarceration and incapacitation. This is where the methodologies clash: sho uld the criminal justice system be responsibleRead MoreThe On The Criminal Justice System984 Words  | 4 PagesGarland (2001), view on â€Å"the criminal justice system in America was created to keep communities safe, to respect and restore victims, and to return offenders who leave prison to be self-sufficient and law-abiding. Treatment simply did not work either by therapy or broader social programs and became is a monumental failure that our states and nation can no longer afford†(p.61) Garland (2001) stated â€Å"that the collapse of faith in our correction system began a wave of demoralization that underminedRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System720 Words  | 3 Pages Victims usually adopt a subsidiary role in the courts, compared to the accused or offender (Booth, 2016). Victim-focused law reforms are open to many jurisdictions throughout Australia, and majority of systems which follow the adversarial nature of proceedings (Garkawe, 2007). The justice system aims to enforce a therapeutic structure, however, in some instances this fails to be upheld for the victim. In a sentencing hearing, an offender’s mitigating factors may reduce their sentence, thereforeRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System1667 Words  | 7 PagesThe criminal justice system has for long been faced by a lot of caseloads, an issue which has been heaping a lot of pressure on the stakeholders.  The cause of increased workload is lack of adequate resources to deal with the caseload. Some people have argued that the only way to deal with the overloads is to provide more money to the criminal justice systems so that everyone involved will be able to do the required tas ks and in so doing reduce the number of cases while scholars think that the onlyRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System1305 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout this course, I have learned about the many segments of the criminal justice system. The criminal justice system is made up of three main elements which process a case from initiation, through trial, to punishment. First a case starts with law enforcement officials, who investigate crime and gather evidence to identify and use against the assumed suspect. The case then proceeds to the court system, which evaluates the evidence to decide if the defendant is guilty or innocent. If the defendantRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System1597 Words  | 7 PagesThe purpose of the criminal justice system is explained by three definitions: Control crime, Prevent crime, and provide and maintain justice. This sense of criminal justice has been the same since pre-civilized communities, where the elders of a tribe enforced the laws of the village . The criminal justice system has changed drastically from the times of kinship systems to today’s system of laws. As time has passed criminal justice has change in many ways, for example: the way they dress, arrest,Read MoreThe And The Criminal Justice System923 Words  | 4 Pagesthe attention of many scholars. They argue that while the practice has its advantages, it also has crippling drawbacks such as overpopulation in prisons and the undermining the presumption of innocence; the main principle which defines the criminal justice system. Individuals charged with an alleged offense are â€Å"remanded into custody through the issuance of a warrant of committal by a JP or judge†(Griffiths, 2015, pp. 179) and are continued to be held in prison for an indefinite time until they are
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Alcohol Consumption Essay - 2409 Words
Alcohol consumption poses a threat for many public health harms. Impaired driving is one of the largest contributors to motor vehicle crashes (Burris, Grunwald, Anderson, Filippoli, 2011). In the United States each year roughly 13,400 people die and an additional 255,500 are injured in motor vehicle crashes involving an alcohol-impaired driver according to Burris et al., 2011. In 2006, these crashes accounted for almost a third of all U.S. traffic-related deaths (Burris et al., 2011). Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance in the United States according to Pandrea, Happel, Amedee, Bagby, Nelson, 2010, and studies show that reducing alcohol consumption can lead to public health improvements such as decreased incidence of†¦show more content†¦But even with the slightest inclination eliminating chocolate milk or federal tax on soda will eliminate sugar from obese population’s diet and thereby reduce weight, support groups and supporting research seem to load up the band wagons. Alcohol abuse is certainly an epidemic, and the domino effect of negativity it can cause in one’s life and surroundings creates a dismal forecast into the future of American public health somewhat similar to the obesity epidemic. Obesity and alcohol consumption act as a comparison between two similar, yet contradictory issues, much like public health and public health law. High-risk drinking results in many consequences for public health and unlike obesity and soda tax, a multitude of systematic literature reviews conducted by highly-regarded scholars and published by credible organizations or peer-reviewed journals prove taxes that increase the price of alcohol effectively reduce overall alcohol consumption. Although ways to reduce alcohol consumption are not made glamorous in the news like many other trending public health epidemics, alcohol abuse is one of the few conflicts public health epidemiologists and economists have derived a bullet proof plan of action to effecti vely reduce its harmful effects. This manuscript serves as an evidence brief summarizing the problem, the law, the evidence, and theShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Alcohol On Alcohol Consumption1373 Words  | 6 Pageswhether or not alcohol should be prohibited. In most countries, at a certain age, adults are allowed to purchase alcohol without being limited to certain choices. However, with the rise of alcoholic products, there are concerns for public health and safety. Many people argue that restrictions should be placed on alcohol consumption. To begin with, there are several factors that involve in alcohol consumption. Studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between alcohol consumption and crimeRead MoreEffects Of Alcohol On The Consumption Of Alcohol1288 Words  | 6 PagesAlcohol consumption is highly prominent around the world and Australia. Most Australians have consumed alcohol at some point of time in their lives. Most individuals doing so at a level that is acceptable and does not lead to any ill health or injury. There is, however, an issue with the misuse and abuse of alcohol in Australia across all age groups. This paper will discuss the use of alcohol in Australia broadly before focusing on the consumption of alcohol in the 16-29 year old age group. ThisRead MoreAlcohol Consumption : The Effects Of Alcohol On The Body1312 Words  | 6 Pages Alcohol Consumption: The Effects of Alcohol on the Body Thamara Jean-Jacques Professor: Nina Walker Biology 115 October 17, 2015 Lithonia Campus Abstract Drinking alcohol for a period of time or even binge drinking cause harm your heart. Alcohol increases the risk for heart attack, strokes, and hypertension. In 2013, a total of 71,713 people died of liver disease the ages ranged from 12 and older. Alcohol has also been known to affect the pancreas, large amounts of alcohol can confuseRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol On The Consumption Of Alcohol1950 Words  | 8 PagesThere are a multitude of aspects to consider as to why an individual would be dependent on the consumption of alcohol. One being the living environment of an individual has an effect on alcohol abuse according to the studies found, McCaul et al (2009) talks about this theme and goes on to say that the more licensed alcohol establishment’s in one particular area means it’s more likely for someone to drink on a regular basis as it’s not out of their way. Another reason may be the individual’s emotionalRead MoreThe Effects Of Stress On Alcohol Consumption2606 Words  | 11 PagesThe effects of stress on alcohol consumption since the start of nursing school Alcohol is chemically described as â€Å"a colorless, volatile, flammable liquid that is the intoxicating constituent of wine, beer, spirits and other drinks, and is also used as an industrial solvent and as fuel.†Humans have been making and consuming alcohol for at least 11,000 years (Brice, 2012). Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, thought to enhance the action of GABA in the brain, an inhibitory transmitterRead MoreAlcohol Consumption Essay2262 Words  | 10 PagesAlcohol Consumption [Abstract] Everyone knows that alcohol has its consequences. At the same time, people don’t care and brush off the consequences in order to have a good time. This paper summarizes studies done on the physical, cognitive and emotional effects that alcohol has on people, before and after consumption. This paper accesses the effects on a person’s body, mind and soul. Alcohol affects the way a person thinks, acts, and feels. Methods include gathering statistical informationRead MoreAdverse Effect Of Alcohol Consumption1321 Words  | 6 PagesThe Adverse Effect of Alcohol Consumption In Whiting S. Albert’s article â€Å"Alcohol Use Is Harmful†he stated that alcohol is a chemical that contains hydrogen and carbon. Whiting stated further that the active ingredient of alcohol is ethyl alcohol, which is also known as ethanol. Alcohol is one of the few things that human being consume that do not need digestion. Alcohol appears the bloodstream immediately, thus, its intoxicating effects are felt instantly (1). â€Å"High levels of mortality, morbidityRead MoreThe Alcohol Consumption Of Residents Of On Campus894 Words  | 4 Pagesobserve the difference between the alcohol consumption of residents of on campus Design The study will be an experimental between-subjects design. There will be one independent variables and it will have two levels. The independent variable will be the residency type of the student (On-campus and Off-campus). The residency type will be determined through a survey before choosing the participants. The dependent variable will be the alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption will be tested through ETG testingRead MorePreventative Measures of Alcohol Consumption in Kazakhstan1278 Words  | 6 Pagessociety has identified the increase of levels of alcohol consumption as a major problem, along with corruption, poverty, unemployment, and epidemic illnesses. Current levels of alcohol consumption would seem to be high enough to place Kazakhstan amongst the heaviest spirits-drinking countries in the world, although not high enough for the top place. Many of Kazakhstani social, demographic and health problems are attributable to the misuse of alcohol. According to Davis, this v iew is shared with someRead MoreAlcohol Consumption Among College Students1225 Words  | 5 PagesAbstract Alcohol consumption is an important social concern for many people. This study opted to analyze how gender affects the level of alcohol consumption among college students. After conducting a survey with 30 participants, the results proved that H1 hypothesis â€Å"Gender significantly affects the level of alcohol consumption†was validated with a p-value of 0.026. Additionally, H2 hypothesis â€Å"Men significantly consume more alcohol than women do†was also validated with a mean of 2.4 in terms of
Monday, December 9, 2019
Tesco Globalization in Pestel Framework free essay sample
Framework Political Factors Tesco is currently serving people in 14 countries across the world. The global operationsof the company make it vulnerable to the political and legal frameworks of these countries whichcan impact the market position of the company. There are large numbers of legislations passed by the governments regarding the employment of their own citizens (Balchin, 1994). The government of the countries these days pressurizes the company to offer job opportunitiesranging from flexible to highly paid skilled jobs to their citizens.Tesco has to meet the governmental and demographic requirements of these countries byemploying large numbers of local citizens including students, disabled, women and elderlyworkers to effectively meet the regulations related to employment. Economic Factors The economic factors hold importance for the companies operating in the diverselocations. These factors can have direct influence on the business operations, customer buying,demand, cost of production and services, revenues and prices of the merchandise.Moreover, thehigh rate of unemployment in the country decreases demand for large number of goods and themanufacturing capabilities of the companies. We will write a custom essay sample on Tesco Globalization in Pestel Framework or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These factors influencing the business capabilities of a company are outside its control but the effects of these factors on a firm ¶s performance can be severe. The international businessof Tesco is still growing and generating revenue but the company is mainly dependent on theeconomy of UK. So if there is any fluctuation in the economy and the markets of UK, Tesco willlikely to be among the suffering companies. Social Factors According to Clarke et al (1994) and Data monitor Report (2003), the current shift in theBritish customer buying trends has impacted the business of various firms. The currentcustomers are usually availing bulk purchase options from one single retailer one stop option? which is mainly due to the social changes in the culture. Tesco is more on nonfood items in itsstores than the food items. There are also demographic shifts in the country including aging people, increased rate of female workers and a declining ratio of home cooked food items.Thissocial change has led the retailers in United Kingdom to focus more on the products and servicesto meet customer requirements. Similarly the retailers are more focusing on their private label products than offering the other brands as well as on the distribution networks and other operational improvements. Likewise, the customers are now more interested of the products andservices that meet the health care requisites. Technological Factors Technology plays an important role in influencing the company ¶s performance and itsmanufacturing capabilities.Tesco employs latest technological advancements for the retail business and other services it offers. The latest technologies facilitate the customers and thecompany both. According to the Data Monitor Report (2003) the customers feel great ease andsatisfaction due to the availability of more personalized and convenient shopping services whichis mainly due to the technological advancements employed at shopping arenas. The latesttechnologies employed by Tesco include wireless equipment, intelligent scale, and electronicsystem of product labeling, as well as Radi o Frequency Identification system (Tesco, 2011). According to Finch (2004) technologies like electronic point of sale has enhanced thequality of services and the operational and business capabilities of the companies by increasingthe efficient distribution and inventory systems. Environmental Factors There is a great deal of pressure on the companies to comply with the environmental laws and to understand their responsibility towards the society (Lindgreen and Hingley, 2003). The corporate social responsibility of the company states that Tesco tries to adopt business practicethat helps the societies in development (Johnson Scholes, 2003).In 2003 the government of United Kingdom has launched a new strategy that is based on the sustainability of consumption and the production procedures by cutting the level of wastes, reducing the amount of resources consumed and minimizing the damage the toxic waste has been causing to the environment. Moreover, a new resolution was passed by the government for the advertisement of processed and fa tty products which has directly impacted the Tesco’s product ranges and led it to adapt its product offerings which has in turn affected its relationship with the suppliers and the end users (Graiser Scott, 2004).
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald and The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Essay Example For Students
The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald and The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck Essay In the novels The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald and The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, the authors present similar ideas, but use different methods to portray them. Similarities in themes can be made between the two texts; these include the pursuit of the American Dream and the use and misuse of wealth. Other themes are also central to each novel, the strength in unity and the influence of female characters. The presentation of these similar themes is different, by the use of characters, setting, society, plot, and style and techniques employed by the author. The pairing of these two texts gave me a clear understanding of how authors can present similar ideas in different ways. Both authors present the pursuit of the American Dream as a major theme; however this is done quite differently. The characters in both The Grapes of Wrath and The Great Gatsby are trying to pursue the American Dream; however the interpretation of the dream is very different. Tom and Daisy Buchanan are focused on the outcome of the dream; to be prosperous, secure and achieve social status. We will write a custom essay on The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald and The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now They believe that their achievement and success at pursuing the dream is displayed purely by their wealth and materialistic possessions. Due to this belief, they frantically chase pleasure and in their chase never achieve true happiness, and so never achieve the dream. In The Grapes of Wrath the Joads and the Oakies are also trying to achieve the American Dream, by being hardworking, honest and showing integrity. They are focussed on the path of the dream, rather than the material possessions and wealth. They desire the basics of life; food to eat, a house to live in and some security, to protect them. The different interpretations of the American dream allowed me to achieve an understanding of how Fitzgerald and Steinbeck use different methods to present the same theme. Tom and Daisys interpretation of the American Dream is shown by Fitzgerald in Nicks evaluation of Toms house. He describes the house as being even more elaborate than expected the lawn ran for a quarter of a mile the front reflected with gold this emphasises their focus on materialistic worth and possessions. Steinbeck describes the simplicity of the dreams of the Joads in Mas description of the boxcar. Its nice, she said. Its almost nicer than anything we had. The setting of each novel also conveys the theme of the American Dream. The authors convey the same theme using different surroundings, but with similar meanings, reinforcing my understanding of how authors present similar ideas in different ways. The Great Gatsby is set in the Jazz Age of the 1920s in New York, however The Grapes of Wrath is set a decade later during the depression of the 1930s. Each author emphasises the importance of the setting in relation to the American Dream, rather symbolically. In The Great Gatsby there are references made by Fitzgerald to the East and West Eggs and the Valley of Ashes. In the East Egg the American Dream has been corrupted and is no longer about honesty and hard work, where Tom and Daisy live. In the West Egg the American Dream is still alive, where Gatsby and Nick live. The Valley of Ashes represents the struggle of survival of the working class people and their pursuit of the dream, much the same way as in the Joads story in The Grapes of Wrath. Oklahoma is described as dry, dusty and lifeless, symbolising the withering and death of the American Dream. California however is the promise land, of green and fruitful valleys, a clear symbol of hope and the opportunity to still achieve the dream. The plot of each story is also important in presenting the pursuit of the American Dream, showing how two entirely different stories can present similar themes. Fitzgerald sets his story among the wealthy, selfish and materialistic characters in upper class New York. The main storyline is the task of Gatsby trying to achieve his American Dream, winning back the love of Daisy. Steinbecks focus on the other hand, is on the poor, dispossessed migrant farmers trying to survive and achieve their interpretation of the American Dream. Even though the plots are quite different, they both show the pursuit of the American Dream and the difficulties of achieving it. Both Fitzgerald and Steinbeck employ the use of writing techniques to portray the American Dream. The green light on Daisys dock is a symbol used by Fitzgerald, directing Gatsby to follow his dream of winning back the love of Daisy, green representing go. .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b , .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b .postImageUrl , .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b , .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b:hover , .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b:visited , .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b:active { border:0!important; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b:active , .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u539a596ed0652c36e6285c1320bc595b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Great Gatsby: Tragedy From Lies EssaySteinbeck employs the use of a turtle in chapter three to symbolise the struggle for survival, the pursuit of the American Dream and the perseverance of the human spirit. The use and misuse of wealth is also a theme central to both novels. The characters who are wealthy are also suggested to be powerful, indicating that wealth equals power and dominance within the social structures of both societies. The wealthy are also portrayed as abusing, or misusing this power. This is shown by Tom in The Great Gatsby as well as the banks and large farm owners in The Grapes of Wrath. Tom uses his wealth to control George Wilson, by providing financial support for his business and making Wilson dependant on him to survive and support his wife, Myrtle. Toms power and control over Wilson are also expressed by his affair with Myrtle, an example of his control and manipulation over Wilsons entire life. Tom also abuses his power and control over Myrtle when he assaults her, breaking her nose. In The Grapes of Wrath the banks misuse their wealth and power by forcing the farmers to leave their homes. This also occurs in California, with the large farm owners misusing their wealth and power by running the smaller farms out of business, and lowering the wages of workers to below the cost of living. These differing ways of representing the misuse of power show the manipulation and selfishness of the wealthy that both authors want to make clear to the reader, strengthening my understanding of how authors present similar themes in different ways. Writing styles and techniques can also be used in different ways to present similar themes. Both Fitzgerald and Steinbeck use colloquial speech to emphasise the vernacular used by the characters who do not have power in society, and to also reinforce their victimisation by the misuse of wealth by the powerful. In The Great Gatsby, Myrtle is shown to speak with poor grammar and the mispronunciation of words; I got to call up my sister I got to write down a list things I got to do. In The Grapes of Wrath the Oakies are also portrayed using similar speech; well, it aint yourn, an it aint gonna be yourn, No but I would a. Twicet to-day she worked my girl up. This use of vernacular shows how the powerless is these societies are portrayed as being less than and inferior to the wealthy, who mistreatment them. Imagery is also used by both authors to show the monstrosity of Tom and the banks and to reinforce their power and wealth, and the abuse of it. Through the eyes of Nick, Fitzgerald physically describes Tom as a monster enormous power of that body a cruel body a brute of a man. The psychological power and misuse of wealth by the banks is described in an interchapter. Steinbeck personifies the bank as a monster; The bank must have as though the Bank was a monster, They breathe profits; they eat the interest on money. The large land owners are also described as monsters in this chapter; Or an owner with fifty thousand acres thats the monster. The societies in which both novels are set also play a part in the continuity of the misuse of wealth by the powerful. It is made clear to the reader that society approves of or cannot stop the misuse of wealth, no matter what they do. In The Great Gatsby, the author shows the corruption of the valley of ashes by the misuse of wealth and abuse of power by people like Tom Buchanan. Fitzgerald also suggests that these people have no control over this corruption and are left helpless to accept the exploitation of the wealthy. This idea is symbolised by Fitzgerald in Wilsons desire, but failure, to move west; away from corruption. This idea is also symbolised by Wilsons death, caused ultimately by the self-interest and utilisation of Tom and Daisy, for him to dispose of Gatsby. In The Grapes of Wrath Steinbeck suggests that no one can stop the oppression and tyranny made by the powerful and wealthy. This idea is symbolised by the workers of the banks, where every man in a bank hates what the bank does, and yet the bank does it they cant control it. .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a , .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a .postImageUrl , .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a , .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a:hover , .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a:visited , .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a:active { border:0!important; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a:active , .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uea528b642f164e7d9f784ba547afd44a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Narrator draws EssayThis idea is also expressed during Mas shopping trip to the Hooper Farm store. The clerk is forced to work at the store to support his family, despite the exploitation and deceit of the workers. He is also poor but is unable to stop the succession of poverty. The different societies show how the similar theme of the use and misuse of power can be shown clearly to the reader. In both novels, there are significant, influential female characters that are central to the development of the plot. In The Great Gatsby, Daisy is portrayed negatively by Fitzgerald, as being weak, selfish and materialistic. Her influence lies in the life of Gatsby, as she is t he sole reason for his quest for wealth; she is his interpretation of the American Dream. Gatsby is willing to do anything for Daisy. This idea is supported by his decision to cover for Daisy in Myrtles accidental death. Daisys power over Gatsby is so great that she is able to ultimately cause his death on the assumption of her influence. In The Grapes of Wrath Ma is portrayed positively by Steinbeck, as being strong, altruistic and compassionate. Mas influence over her family is so strong that she is able to provide hope when there is nothing to hope for, and to provide strength for the family when the strength of everyone is flagging. The authors presentation of Daisy and Ma, show how entirely different characters can present the same theme; as influential women. The theme of strength in unity is also central to both novels. In The Great Gatsby the success of unity is shown by the conspiring of Tom and Daisy to frame Gatsby for Myrtles death, ultimately causing the demise of both him and Wilson. In The Grapes of Wrath the unity of the Oakies and the destitute is also shown. Steinbeck symbolises this unity in the giving and caring attitude that radiates from the Joad family and the Oakies. Even when they have nothing themselves they still continue giving to others that are worse of than them. The Wilsons give help to the Joads when Granma dies and they fix their car in return, Ma gives the poor children stew when there is none to spare, the clerk lends Ma a nickel to buy sugar; these are all examples of the unity of the poor. This idea is summarised in Mas statement: If youre in trouble or hurt or need go to poor people. Theyre the only ones that will help the only ones. Steinbeck also summarises the importance of unity in chapters fourteen and seventeen. The statement This is the thing to bomb. This is the beginning from I to we symbolises that strength in unity is what will save the Oakies, working together, towards the common good to achieve dreams. The expression the twenty families became one family, the children were the children of all. also reinforces the theme of strength in unity and the need for unison. Steinbeck is suggesting that without it, the quest for the American dream will be hopeless. Throughout society, strength in unity is also shown. In The Great Gatsby, unity is shown by the wealthy sticking together, i. e. Tom and Daisy and by the unity of criminals, i. e. Gatsby and Wolfshiem. In The Grapes of Wrath unity is shown by Oakies in the government camp, where the Oakies have the power, and are free from corruption. Steinbeck is suggesting that this is what the Oakies need to accomplish externally to achieve their dream, and without unity the Oakies will never prevail. The pursuit of the American Dream is a major theme throughout the novels The Great Gatsby and The Grapes of Wrath. Other prominent themes are the use and misuse of power, the strength in unity and the influence of female characters. The similarities in themes are presented in very different ways by the authors, F. Scott Fitzgerald and John Steinbeck. By presenting their similar ideas in different ways, I was able to obtain a clear understanding of how authors can present similar themes using different methods.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Military Draft
The Military Draft The Army is the only branch of the U.S. Armed forces which has relied on conscription, popularly known in the U.S. as The Draft. In 1973, at the end of the Vietnam War, Congress abolished the draft in favor of an all-volunteer Army (AVA). The Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard are not meeting recruiting goals, and junior officers are not re-enlisting. Soldiers have been forced to fight in Iraq for long tours of duty, with little relief in sight. These pressures have caused some leaders to insist that reinstating the draft is inevitable. The draft was abandoned in 1973 in large part due to protests and a general belief that the draft was unfair: that it targeted less affluent members of society because, for example, of college deferments. However, that was not the first time Americans had protested a draft; that distinction belongs to the Civil War, with the most famous riots occurring in New York City in 1863. Today the all-volunteer Army is criticized because its ranks of minorities are disproportionate to the general population and because recruiters target less affluent teenagers who have poor job prospects after graduation. It is also criticized for its access to the nations youth; high schools and colleges that receive federal monies are required to allow recruiters on campus. Pros Conscription for military service is a classic debate between individual liberty and duty to society. Democracies value individual liberty and choice; however, democracy does not come without costs. How should those costs be shared? George Washington makes the case for mandatory service: It must be laid down as a primary position and the basis of our (democratic) system, that every citizen who enjoys the protection of a free Government owes not only a proportion of his property, but even his personal service to the defence of it. It was this ethic that led the U.S. to adopt mandatory militia service for white males in the late 1700s. The modern equivalent is voiced by Rep. Rangel (D-NY), a veteran of the Korean War: I truly believe that those who make the decision and those who support the United States going into war would feel more readily the pain thats involved, the sacrifice thats involved, if they thought that the fighting force would include the affluent and those who historically have avoided this great responsibility...Those who love this country have a patriotic obligation to defend this country. For those who say the poor fight better, I say give the rich a chance. The Universal National Service Act (HR2723) would require all men and women aged 18-26 to perform military or civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes. The required term of service is 15 months. This differs from a draft lottery, however, as its goal is to apply equally to all. Cons Modern warfare is high tech and has changed dramatically since Napoleans march to Russia, the battle of Normandy or the Tet Offensive in Vietnam. There is no longer a need for massive human cannon fodder. Thus one argument against the draft is that the Army needs highly skilled professionals, not just men with combat skills. When the Gates Commission recommended an all-volunteer Army to President Nixon, one of the arguments was economic. Even though wages would be higher with the volunteer force, Milton Freedman argued that the net cost to society would be lower. In addition, the Cato Institute argues that selective service registration, which was reauthorized under President Carter and extended under President Reagan, should also be eliminated: The sign-up was always intended to quickly generate a large conscript armysimilar to Americas 13-million-man military in World War IIfor a protracted conventional war against the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact centered in Europe. Today that kind of conflict is a paranoid fantasy. Consequently, the premium for registration insurance would be better spent elsewhere. And an early 1990s Congressional Research Service report says an expanded reserve corps is preferable to a draft: A requirement for major increases in combat forces could be met much more quickly by activating more reserves than by instituting a draft. A draft would not provide the trained officers and non-commissioned officers to man effective units; it would only turn out freshly trained junior enlisted recruits.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The History of the BASIC Programming Language
The History of the BASIC Programming Language In the 1960s, computers ran on gigantic mainframe machines, requiring their special rooms with powerful air-conditioning to keep them cool. The mainframes received their instructions from punch cards by computer operators, and any instructions given to a mainframe required writing a new piece of software, which was the realm of mathematicians and nascent computer scientists. BASIC, a computer language written at Dartmouth college in 1963, would change that. Beginnings of BASIC The language BASIC was an acronym for Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It was developed by Dartmouth mathematicians John George Kemeny and Tom Kurtzas as a teaching tool for undergraduates. BASIC was intended to be a computer language for generalists to use to unlock the power of the computer in business and other realms of academia. BASIC was traditionally one of the most commonly used computer programming languages, considered an easy step for students to learn before more powerful languages such as FORTRAN. Until very recently, BASIC (in the form of Visual BASIC and Visual BASIC .NET) was the most widely known computer language among developers. The Spread of BASIC The advent of the personal computer was crucial to the success of BASIC. The language was designed for hobbyists, and as computers became more accessible to this audience, books of BASIC programs and BASIC games surged in popularity. In 1975, Paul Allen and Bill Gates, the founding fathers of Microsoft,) wrote a version of BASIC for the Altair personal computer. It was the first product Microsoft sold. Later Gates and Microsoft wrote versions of BASIC for the Apple computer, and IBMs DOS which Gates provided came with its version of BASIC. The Decline and Rebirth of BASIC By the mid-1980s, the mania for programming personal computers had subsided in the wake of running professional software created by others. Developers also had more options, such as the new computer languages of C and C. But the introduction of Visual Basic, written by Microsoft, in 1991, changed that. VB was based on BASIC and relied on some of its commands and structure, and proved valuable in many small business applications. BASIC .NET, released by Microsoft in 2001, matched the functionality of Java and C# with the syntax of BASIC. List of BASIC Commands Here are some of the commands associated with the earliest BASIC languages developed at Dartmouth:   HELLO - log inBYE - log offBASIC - start BASIC modeNEW - name and begin writing a programOLD - retrieve a previously named program from permanent storageLIST - display the current programSAVE - save the current program in permanent storageUNSAVE - clear the current program from permanent storageCATALOG - display the names of programs in permanent storageSCRATCH - erase the current program without clearing its nameRENAME - change the name of the current program without erasing itRUN - execute the current programsSTOP - interrupt the currently running program
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How Philosophy is Important for Undergraduate Student Essay
How Philosophy is Important for Undergraduate Student - Essay Example I use the term ‘science’ broadly here as rational and empirical investigation,†(Pigliucci n.d.). Reason is important and philosophy cannot provide concrete answers. Objection 2: Philosophy does not matter that much today as Stephen Hawking said, â€Å"Philosophy is dead. Philosophers have not kept up with modern developments in science. Particularly physics†(Warman 2011). Nowadays technological advancement prove to assist the advancement in the realm of physical science overtaking the development of philosophy as the latter cannot prove the exact answers to questions. On the contrary, Philosophy is stated, â€Å"Defining and explaining philosophy is no easy task  the very nature of the subject seems to defy description. The problem is that philosophy, in one way or another, ends up touching upon nearly every aspect of human life. Philosophy has something to say when it comes to science, art, religion, politics, medicine, and a host of other topics ,†( n.d.). In all aspects, philosophy is the very core or basic step. I answer that, Philosophy is important due to the following reasons: All people align their everyday lives to the concept of reality that their beliefs tend to explain as they make use of metaphysical theory, ethical theory and moral theory. They need both metaphysical and moral concepts since they have the freewill and not instincts. They have the capacity to make decisions. They can also prove that throughout history human behavior and the ideas tend to explain their experiences have certain flaws. The correction is done through enough understanding of people about themselves and their surroundings by inquiring and garnering answers for philosophical and scientific questions. Curiosity is part of being a human as he tends to explore and learn about himself and the things around him. Philosophy also includes the rejection on the subjects of philosophy itself and science as they are all philosophic al in nature. They are better than doing nothing about the pursuit for knowledge. Philosophy also encompasses the ideas made by people that are subjected to conflicts toward creation of art or science (Maartensz n.d.). Reply to Objection 1: Science cannot explain the following: the existential truth like a person is not just a container of a brain and is being controlled. The moral truth also cannot be proven by science such as rape being right or wrong. Even the so-called logical truth science may have some problems to prove it like the quote Science is the only way to really know truth. No scientific test can prove the validity of such claim as it requires logic itself. Another thing is historical truth such as the winning of Barack Obama in the 2008 elections as scientific test must be repeatable and historical truth cannot be duplicated. Lastly, experiential truth cannot be verified by science such as the love of a spouse (Hewer n.d.). Reply to Objection 2: Philosophy is not dea d because science still exists. Science cannot exist without philosophy. Science has always been part of philosophy as both of them seek evidences, causations, theory creation, and hypothesis-testing as all of them are done to verify the ideas. Scientists must not ignore the philosophers as the former may fall on to fallacies (Norris 2011). How is it different from other subject areas? Objection 1:
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Architecture and the environment paper Research
Architecture and the environment - Research Paper Example Question 1: Ways which physical structures affect human behavior Architecture has majorly many roles and functions in the industry. Some aim to be aesthetically pleasant, comparable to the effect of any art figure. It can also be an expression of societal passion, cultural pride, or national value (Ayers, 2007). Critics maintain the notion that architectural set up and the configuration of space, the spacing and number of windows, and lighting affects individuals. Additionally, architectural set up has tough but variable effects on users' mood, social behavior, productivity and design features. They also affect wellbeing and health (Ayers, 2007). According to Joye (2007), people’s environs dictate not only way they reason but also their logical maturity. Gestalt psychology reasons that humans experience the power of architecture as their brains have a liking to surmise patterns and rhythm of structure and space, which dictate behavior (Joye, 2007). Question 2: Ways which archi tecture controls human behavior The structural set up of space inflicts limitations on behavior. Doorways decide human entrance to a room likewise a room’s magnitude restricts the behaviors that can occur within a room (Ayers, 2007). With these thoughts in mind, a structure’s purpose plus its users should equal its design. Since inhabitants modify the design and functionality requirements, the set up of the interior should consider elasticity. A building's interior should craft the appearance of space, despite its real size since space makes dwellers think they have the option between separation and interaction. People had to put out a more optimistic sense of control when their surroundings allowed them to decide separation or interaction rather than experiencing both just forced upon them. The psychological outcomes of crowding have been linked to anxiety and provocation. Facts propose that when people recognize sufficient space, they seem to have an enormous sense o f power over their surroundings and stand less prone to worry over slight bothers, aggression and pressure. Additionally, sufficient space comes with an enveloping outcome on personal health plus wellbeing. In a study, of dormitories, crushing facts said that the layout and design of internal space influences the pressure of psychological crowding and said that architectural set up has a mediating outcome on social behavior. Crowding has been associated to social withdrawal, aggression, amplified criminal activities, and unfortunate interaction. Privacy, on the other hand, stands powerfully associated to less social withdrawal, optimistic mental health, a feeling of control and duty performance, and a declined affinity to respond negatively to small bothers. According to Baum (1977), the outcomes of color and lighting in the office had a noteworthy sway on the mood of people working in the office. When workers professed the lighting as too bright or insufficient, their moods went do wn, however, when the lighting was changed and alleged as accurate their moods reached the peak points. Question 3: Implications of Residential and Commercial Set up For the reason of indirect and direct outcomes of architectural set up on wellbeing and health, the author looks at three unified variables as vital thoughts in the set up of space. These variables stand as the privacy, perception of density, and control
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Environmental Factors the Affect the Marketing Procedures of Coca Cola International Essay Example for Free
Environmental Factors the Affect the Marketing Procedures of Coca Cola International Essay Coca Cola is an international business company that needs international advertising as well. Businesses spend billions of advertising dollars every year because they know that viewers are influenced by what they see and hear. They don’t spend that money because they think advertising might work; they know it works. It sells their products. In 2004, The Coca-Cola Company spent 2. 2 billion dollars advertising its products worldwide in print, on the radio, and on television. Was the investment worthwhile? The company made nearly 22 billion dollars in profits for that year. Advertisers realize that one ad may not affect behavior. Instead, they rely on the cumulative impact of years of indoctrination. The truth is, with just a minute’s airing of an advertisement, some thousands of consumers are rather attracted to buy the products shown on TV. With this fact in mind, it could be noted that advertising is rather considered as one of the major procedures of marketing that any type of company could invest upon. However, the question is how sure are the advertisers that their products would sell up through the presentation that they make through advertising? What are the factors that contribute to the said effects of advertising marketing to the consumers? This is what is considered within the discussion of how the environmental factors actually affect the impact of advertising towards the target consumers. The Marketing Strategy’s Effective Placement As noted earlier, Coca Cola is an international beverage company that actually handles the production of drinks that are likely to soothe the drinking needs of the consumers. However, selling beverages may not appear to be as easy as it looks. Most people would consider the beverages presented by Coca Cola to the society are likely for hot times only. How then is the company coping up with its sales during cold season? It is undeniable that Coca Cola, upon observation, tries to make the best out of the time that they are given. It could be noted that even during the cold seasons, the said company is able to attract consumers that are likely fond of the beverages that they offer no matter what weather there may be. December is likely the winter time which usually caters hot beverages and their promotions to the buying public. However, Coca Cola managed to use the said environmental change in terms of weather for their own advantage. Coca Cola’s advertisement of Santa Claus holding Coke Beverages is indeed an attractive approach, whereas the company paved the way to a more appreciated matter of the season than that of the cold weather itself. It was a rather creative approach that has given this advertisement a major difference from that of the other marketing strategies used by the same company. Obviously, their approach to the situation has placed them in a better edge against their competitors in the industry thus giving the company better gains than the others for annual productivity for the entire business organization. Conclusion Weather is just one particular factor in the advertising and marketing word that actually affects the approach of product promotion in the field of consumer-producer relationship. It is undeniable through that weather, single as it is, has a great effect on the presentation of advertisements during specific seasons as suggested by the environment itself. Coca Cola on the other hand has been able to take responsible consideration of these unavoidable changes in the environment for the their own good that actually outlines the possibility that they are then given the rightful share of their own creativity in presenting their marketing approach in the field of advertising. As a result, the said company was able to get the best out of the possible changes of the environment. Their gains and the edge against their competitors that they were able to accomplish through the said approached saved their values for service and profit well. True, environment itself may present challenges to different companies with regards the launching of the different products that they present to the society, however, effective utilization of the said situations for the benefit of the organization could make the strategy of marketing more apprehended and efficient for international advertising approaches.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Les Miserables :: Les Miserables
Les Miserables Throughout peoples lives they will be influenced due to other people and events. There are many ways people can be influenced. In the book Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, three different people influence Jean Valjean. The first influence on Jean was by the bishop. Another influence on Jean was Cosette. A third influence on Jean was Javert. Each of these are people who play a large role in Jean's life. The bishop was one of Jeans first and most important influences involving kindness and forgiveness. The first way that the bishop shows kindness to Jean is by inviting him into his home for dinner and a place to sleep, even though he is an ex-convict and no one else would help him. "Monsieur, sit down and warm yourself: we are going to take supper presently, and you bed will be made ready whil you sup." (Page 26) The next and most powerful act of kindness and forgiveness that the bishop shows to Jean is, when he tells the police that the silver which Jean had actually stole was a gift, and that he had forgotten to take his gift of candlesticks. When the bishop says, "Ah there you are! I am glad to see you, but I gave you the candlesticks too, which are also silver and will bring you two hundred francs"(Page 38). When the bishop say's this, Jean Valjean is filled with surprise and disbelief, and did not know what to do. From that day on Jean would remember the bis hop and his kindness towards him, and use this memory to help others. Javert has many different types of influences on Jean. One way that Javert influences Jean is by sending him to the galleys for the first time even though he was just stealing to feed his family. Jean was turned cold and cruel by this, he thought that the whole world was as cruel as Javert seemed to be. This cruelty only leads Jean into more trouble. "See, there is where he got out; he jumped down Cochefilet lane. The abominable fellow! He has stolen our silver!" (Page 37) This shows that even after Jean was released from the galleys he was hardened from the influences and still was a thief. The second way that Javert influences Jean is by testing Jeans new side of kindness and gratitude by sending him to the galleys a second time, for saving a wrongfully accused man.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Year Round School Persuasive Essay
Imagine a way where your children could be relieved of their stress that they gain throughout the year, be given more breaks and not lose any knowledge over the summer! By going to the year round school system your children can achieve all of these things and also make higher test scores! It is better to have year round school as opposed to tradition school because when having year round school schools take more frequent breaks throughout the year.These more frequent breaks cause kids to have less stress and without the huge summer break you are not losing the knowledge that you have already learned throughout the year. By going to the year round school system there is no longer the long three-month summer break. However without the summer break it allows for schools to make for more frequent, weeklong, breaks throughout the year. Some schools, instead of taking breaks throughout the year, only go to school for three or four days a week to even out the time that summer break had give n kids before.Having a traditional school year and less school per week will cause kids to have less stress that everyday school brings to them now. The stress level from kids now going through a traditional school year is at an all time high. The stress levels of children would drop if there were more frequent breaks throughout the year or if the students only had to go to school for 3 to 4 days a week. In traditional schools where you have a three-month long summer break children lose the knowledge that they have gained throughout the year over that period with no learning.In schools throughout the nation that have a yearlong school program the test scores and grades of those students are significantly higher than those in a traditional school system. When going into a year round school system you are not having any lengthy time off from learning so you are not losing any knowledge that you already have gained. It is better to have year round school as opposed to tradition school because when having year round school schools take more frequent breaks throughout the year.These more frequent breaks cause kids to have less stress and without the huge summer break you are not losing the knowledge that you have already learned throughout the year. Imagine a way where your children could be relieved of their stress that they gain throughout the year, be given more breaks and not lose any knowledge over the summer! By going to the year round school system your children can achieve all of these things and also make higher test scores!
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Review Strategies Used in Health and Social Care Environments Essay
M2, review strategies used in health and social care environments to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interactions. D1, evaluate strategies used in health and social care to overcome barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interactions. Introduction There are many differing ideas on the best way to communicate in health and social care and there are many strategies used by the many differing professionals working in health and social care. This assignment will review the different strategies used and then will evaluate the differing strategies and their effectiveness when overcoming barriers to effective communication and interpersonal interactions. M2; There are lots of different strategies used in health and social care and all of these strategies have their strengths and weaknesses this assignment is going to review if these strategies are successful or not. The strategies that will be looked at are staff training, reflective listening, individual preference, the environment and awareness of non-verbal communication. Reflective listening believe the strength of Reflective listening as a strategy in health and social care is it builds the clients self-esteem and lets them know that you are interested in what they are saying and keeps a conversation going and by repeating what is been said to you lets the client know that you are professional and listening to what they have to say. The weakness of reflective listening is if the client has low self-esteem before the conversation starts or is angry or upset the client may feel that the service provider is not helping by just repeating what is being said to them and this could anger the client further or the client will just refuse to talk. Staff training suggest that the strength of staff training is that it allows for constant updates in which service provides are always up to date on the latest strategies on overcoming barriers to communication and this leads to a better understanding of how barriers can happen and gives them the tools to take control and remedy the situation. also suggest that the weaknesses that can arise due to staff training is that the member of staff loses time with clients while attending courses and may not be able to attend all training opportunities so this can lead to a gap in training and the member of staff not knowing all the latest strategies and this in turn can make things difficult for clients as they are not being given correct and up to information. Individual preference believe the strength of individual preference is that it allows the client to choose the best way for them to be able to communicate that makes them feel comfortable and this in turn makes it easier for the member of staff as they have a client who is open and willing to talk and this also allows for staff to make appropriate arrangements if an interpreter or signer is needed also believe that the weaknesses of individual preference is that staff may not have time to find someone to interpret or sign for them and they may not know sign language themselves and also not have time to arrange for these needs before the first meeting with the client. Environment suggest that the positives that come from the environment that the conversation is taking place in are that for example in a counselling session the environment needs to be quiet so the client can communicate with ease and confidence knowing that they are being listened too. This helps the messages to be understood. also suggest that the negatives can be that staff do not always have the time to assess all situations and as a lot of the space is used by other professionals such as doctors and nurses the environment cannot always be prepared in advance. Awareness of non-verbal communication According to, making professionals aware of their non-verbal communication is a good way of overcoming barriers and the professional can ensure the proximity between them and client is a good distance but not too far away, and being aware of this is a good a lot of the way be communicate comes from body language and facial expression and professionals who are aware of this can improve their practice and the emotional needs of clients. also believe that a negative side to this is that not all professionals have time to learn about this and also a lot of the time our emotions, facial expressions and body language is sub-conscious and not controlled. D1; This part of the assignment will evaluate the strategies used in health and social care. It will evaluate the pros and cons of communication and how they are used to overcome barriers to communication and interpersonal skills. Strategies are used in health and social care to give the service users the best possible chance of getting back to full health as soon as possible and provide on-going treatment or care into the future as and when it is no longer required. They are in place to promote independence and to make caring for someone as pleasant and easy experience for both staff and service user, and according to K.Bryan et al, ageing and mental health (2002) Studies suggest that a high proportion of older people in residential and nursing care have communication difficulties and there is some awareness of the need for staff training to allow effective communication to be achieved. Not working in the sector the only experiences to draw on are in the voluntary sector, working with an elderly lady in the early stages of dementia, It will be using these experiences to evaluate the pros and cons as to whether the way strategies are used are effective or not. The strategies it will be evaluating are reflective listening, staff training, individual preference, environment and non-verbal communication. Neil Moonie et al effective communication in health and social care (2012), Reflective listening can both be a help and a hindrance when communicating with dementia patients as it does depend on the service user and the sort of day they are having some days they are in the present and other days they are in the past so the trick is to adjust the way you reflect back to suit the conversation you are having as not to confuse the service user and keep the conversation going, in my opinion reflective listening is an important tool in breaking down barriers as it gives everyone a chance to air their views and be understood as to what they want, need and require. Neil Moonie et al effective communication in health and social care (2012), Staff training as a tool for overcoming barriers to communication is very important as without it staff working in the sector would not be able to serve their clients in the best way possible they would not have the knowledge to look after their patients in a safe and healthy way and this in turn will anger and or scare the patients so that they refuse help which could be detrimental to their health. In my opinion staff training is an effective way of keeping up to date on the latest skills and other ways of making sure all clients are safe and well in your care. Neil Moonie et al effective communication in health and social care (2012), Individual preference is important as a tool to overcome communication barriers as it makes the client comfortable and this in turn helps them to relax and open to talking, for those who have difficulty communicating keeping to their way of doing things also helps the client to relax and not to feel anxious because they are in a strange place and may be feeling confused and unsure of what is going on. In my opinion individual preference is important as it centres care on what is best for the client to make them as happy and relaxed as possible. Neil Moonie et al effective communication in health and social care (2012), Environment is an important tool for both client and staff, for clients it is important that things are familiar and as normal as possible and helps the service user to feel relaxed as with individual preference if they have difficulty communicating they will feel anxious and confused so a familiar environment will put them at easel, for staff the environment is important so they can perform their duties with ease and using the same environment for each client allows the staff member to know where everything is and the repetitive nature will reassure the client that nothing’s changed. Neil Moonie et al effective communication in health and social care (2012), Non-verbal communication the way we communicate non-verbally plays a part in overcoming barriers to communication because if our body language is negative such as no eye contact, this will impact on the client and may make them feel insecure and not willing to communicate, whereas a positive attitude will help the client to open up to you and be more willing to talk. Conclusion Strategies in communication are important as they help to overcome the difficulties some people face on a day to day basis, these strategies also help to decide what works and what dos not when working with service users in a health and social care setting Reference Stretch, B, Whitehouse, M, (2010) Btec level 3 health and social care book 1, Harlow, Pearson Education LTD K. Bryan, L. Axelrod, J. Maxim, L. Bell & L. Jordan Journal: Aging & Mental Health Volume 6, Issue 3, August 2002, pages 248-254 Neil Moonie et al effective communication in health and social care (2012) pages 1-45 http// 2012/ips/barriers-communication 20/12/2012
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Cmo queda ley Arizona SB1070 tras decisin de Corte
Cmo queda ley Arizona SB1070 tras decisin de Corte En 2010, el estado de Arizona inicià ³ con Ley SB1070 un empuje para tratar de restringir la inmigracià ³n indocumentada dentro de su territorio, siendo su ejemplo seguido por otros estados como Alabama, Georgia y Utah. Esta ley fue objeto de gran debate polà tico y su suerte se decidià ³ en las cortes federales. En este artà culo se informa sobre cules provisiones de la ley fueron impugnadas por la administracià ³n del presidente Barack Obama, quà © decidià ³ la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos al respecto y quà © se puede aplicar de la Ley SB1071 en la actualidad y quà © no se puede, por considerarse inconstitucional. Partes de la ley SB1070 de Arizona que aplican Por decisià ³n conocida como Arizona vs. United States y con cinco votos contra tres de la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos en junio de 2012 se decidià ³ que es constitucional la parte de la ley SB1070 que concede a los oficiales de policà a del estado de Arizona el poder para investigar el estatus migratorio de todas aquellas personas que detiene, arresta o para y de las que se sospeche razonablemente que pueden ser extranjeros indocumentados. Adems, siempre han aplicado porque nunca se les impugnà ³ las provisiones que establecen que el estado de Arizona, los condados y los municipios no pueden limitar la accià ³n de la policà a a la hora de aplicar las leyes federales de inmigracià ³n. Lo mismo aplica a la provisià ³n que autoriza castigar a toda persona que es contratada o contrata desde un vehà culo. No importa, en este à ºltimo caso, que el que contrate sea un ciudadano estadounidense. La ley convierte a esta actividad en ilegal tambià ©n para à ©l o ella, quien se arriesga a sufrir las consecuencias, incluida la posibilidad de perder el auto desde el que pretendà a contratar a una persona que se encontraba en la calle o en una esquina solicitando trabajo. Secciones de la ley SB1070 de Arizona que no aplican Las siguientes provisiones no aplican: En primer lugar, la obligacià ³n para todos los extranjeros mayores de 14 aà ±os y que pasen ms de 30 dà as en EEUU de que se registren con las autoridades federales y que lleven consigo en todo momento la documentacià ³n que pruebe que se han registrado. En segundo lugar, la disposicià ³n que consideraba delito tener o buscar un trabajo en Arizona si no se tiene un permiso federal para trabajar. En tercer lugar, la disposicià ³n que autorizaba a la policà a a detener a todos los inmigrantes de los que exista sospecha de que han cometido una ofensa que tiene como castigo la deportacià ³n. La situacià ³n migratoria actual en los Estados Unidos Con la llegada a la Casa Blanca del presidente Donald Trump se han producido importantes cambios en materia migratoria en relacià ³n a refugiados, asilados y tambià ©n a migrantes indocumentados. Asà , en la actualidad son prioridad para deportacià ³n prcticamente todos los indocumentados. La à ºnica excepcià ³n a esa regla general por el momento son los 750 mil muchachos conocidos como Dreamers y que estn protegidos por el programa de la Accià ³n Diferida, que se conoce por sus siglas en inglà ©s de DACA. Sin embargo, incluso para ellos la situacià ³n es complicada porque el el propio presidente puso fin a ese programa. Los muchachos con DACA aprobado con anterioridad a la decisià ³n del presidente Trump siguen amparados, al menos por el momento, por decisiones judiciales, pero no se admiten aplicaciones nuevas al programa. Por otro lado, los migrantes indocumentados tienen derechos que no pueden ser ignorados y es aconsejable que todos ellos conozcan quà © puede hacer y quà © deben callar en el caso de ser arrestados o detenidos. Sin embargo, mientras el gobierno federal y algunos estados endurecen las medidas para restringir la migracià ³n indocumentada, otros estados mantienen o promueven su proteccià ³n dentro de los là mites permitidos a las autoridades estatales o municipales, como por ejemplo, el caso de las ciudades santuario. Otro ejemplo es el de los estados que emiten licencias de manejar para los indocumentados, como es el caso de California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, Nuevo Mà ©xico, Utah, Vermont y Washington, asà como la ciudad de Washington D.C. la capital de Estados Unidos. Por à ºltimo, cabe destacar que dependiendo de las circunstancias de cada migrante, en ocasiones es posible encontrar un camino para regularizar la situacià ³n y obtener una tarjeta de residente permanente, tambià ©n conocida como green card. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal de ningà ºn tipo. Puntos Clave de la Ley SB1070 de Arizona restrictiva de la migracià ³n indocumentada La Ley SB1070 de Arizona fue una de las primeras y duras con objeto de restringir la migracià ³n indocumentada en su territorio. Fue objeto de gran debate y la Corte Suprema decidià ³ que parte de la misma era inconstitucional.En la actualidad estn en vigor y pueden ser aplicadas las siguientes provisiones:La policà a puede informarse sobre el estatus migratorio de cualquier persona que para, arresta o detiene y de la que sospeche que puede estar en EE.UU. ilegalmente.La policà a de las ciudades y condados no puede impedir la aplicacià ³n de ninguna ley migratoria federal.Es ilegal contratar o ser contratado desde un vehà culo.Los migrantes mayores de 18 aà ±os estn obligados a llevar un documento que pruebe que estn en el paà s legalmente. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What Makes an Author Bundle Successful
What Makes an Author Bundle Successful What Makes an Author Bundle Successful? It’s no secret that we at Reedsy like to explore the power of communities and what they bring to authors and publishing professionals (maybe because we’re building one ourselves!). I firmly believe that authors grow stronger when they unite and work together, a prospect that–like indie publishing itself–only gets easier with new and better technologies.While the notion that â€Å"like attracts like†brings independent authors together with other indies, and hybrid authors in commune with other hybrid authors, the next wave of online community-building is a frontier awaiting those eager to experiment and explore new opportunities. Outside the Box: Women Writing Women is the perfect example of that: 7 indie and hybrid authors (all members of the Alliance of Independent Authors) launching a â€Å"contemporary fiction†bundle, available for purchase on Amazon for a limited time.Sharing resources, sharing readershipsThe idea behind such a co llective effort is simple: explore the power of the group. â€Å"I’ve admired the power that author collectives like Triskele Books have,†says Jane Davis, author of the novel An Unchoreographed Life, which is included in the Women Writing Women project. Creating a bundle, is, in a way, like forming a collective for a limited period of time.Boxsets usually have an â€Å"expiration date†that functions for two reasons: First, it creates a sense of rarity. This, coupled with the uniting of several prominent voices, makes it easier to generate excitement both among readers and in the media. Or as writer, editor, and bestselling ghostwriter Roz Morris told us in an email:â€Å"We’ve already been interviewed by The Guardian books pages, Books + Publishing (the Australian counterpart of Publisher’s Weekly) and have interest from the arts programmes of BBC Radio 4. If any of us had approached them on our own– impressive though our CVs might lookâ €“we probably wouldn’t have got even a reply.†More importantly, a bundle aggregates reader bases. While it’s likely that some of Davis’s readership already knows a couple of other authors in the bundle, they probably haven’t heard of a majority of authors included. So it’s still a bargain for them to get the bundle and the 4-5 books they haven’t read yet for $12.Cumulated reader bases usually result in cumulated sales. Though sales aren’t usually the #1 objective of forming a bundle, they can unlock additional discoverability potential. Let’s take the example of the Deadly Dozen. This boxset was released in March of last year by The Twelve, a consortium of thriller authors who joined their marketing and promotion efforts and managed to sell over 100,000 copies in the first six weeks, hitting both NYT and USA Today bestsellers lists.Though the boxed set was priced at a mere $0.99, appearing on both bestseller lists tre mendously increased the profile and discoverability of The Twelve, and gave its participant authors access to new readers they might have never have found on their own.The Twelve’s Deadly Dozen was pulled a few months after its release. The 7 authors from Outside the Box have also set an expiration date to the bundle: it will be available for 90 days, and not one more.Why run bundles on a limited period of time if they sell so well? First, there’s the rarity factor that comes with a â€Å"limited edition†. But more importantly, bundles usually record most of their sales in the first few weeks (as do most single books); box sets are more about aggregating existing readerships than finding new ones, unless you hit a list or special ranking or get exceptional PR – which all bring immediate results anyway. Once these readerships have purchased the bundle, there aren’t necessarily many more sales to be made.David Gaughran also shared a similar experienc e with me when I asked him about The Indie Author Power Pack, a box set he released in October 2014 together with Joanna Penn and Sean Platt/Johnny B. Truant:â€Å"The primary aim with the box was to shoot for the NYT. The original plan was to leave it up only for November and December for two reasons. 1) All the promo was front-loaded to try and hit the NYT so sales were naturally going to tail off anyway, and tail off faster than if we were aiming to, for example, maximize sales or maximize income. 2) Plan B if we missed the list was to slowly raise the price as it fell in the rankings and make some money out of it. And 3) Sales of the box set were cannibalizing sales of the individual titles, so it was always going to be a temporary thing.†Raising the voice and standard of self-publishingThere is something even more interesting in the Outside the Box initiative. When I asked the authors about their goals, they didn’t mention hitting lists or even making sales. Inste ad, they focused on the excitement this new projects brings both to them and to readers. Kathleen Jones expressed it perfectly in a recent email:â€Å"I’m intrigued by the contrasts and resonances that are set up when you put seven very different books and authors together. You know your work is going to be read by readers who wouldn’t normally have bought it. There’s an edge to that and it’s very exciting.†The main message that comes from this initiative, though, is really the desire to brandish and wave the indie flag as high as possible. By uniting 7 critically acclaimed works of indie contemporary fiction, their authors hope to demonstrate that author publishing is a valid quality route even in a genre that is still perceived by many as a traditional publishing chasse guardà ©e, according to Jane Davis:â€Å"I would like to change readers’ perception of self-published fiction, particularly those who are clinging to the belief that it i s the preserve of amateurs. I too was sold that line.The fact is that there is a new breed of hybrid authors who look at each writing project and decide if it is one to submit to their publisher or one to go it alone. With the Society of Authors advising their members that publishing contracts are no longer fair or sustainable, my belief is that the predicted growth in self-publishing will now come from authors who are currently under contract.†Roz Morris goes on to express a similar concern, which she hopes this bundle will continue to tackle:â€Å"We want to prove that fine, original authors are self-publishing as a mark of independence and integrity, and doing work of value and quality. You might ask: is that still necessary? Does anyone still consider self-publishing to be ‘vanity’ or second rate? They clearly do, because this is one of the issues we’ve been asked about most frequently.†To achieve this noble goal, the authors spared no effort whe n it came to giving the bundle the polished feel readers expect from sets managed in traditional publication. Each author contributed to production and promotion according to her strengths. Far from a collaboration in name only, the effort seems to have made a bona fide community of these writers that can only serve to better this project and the women’s individual endeavors.Finding the right balanceWhen we think about bundle success, a lot depends on pre-launch marketing and promotion, and on the number of authors involved. But I believe there is one inherent quality to a bundle that the author-partners absolutely must get right: the diversity balance.The books in the bundle must be diverse enough to make the box set interesting for readers (and to reduce their likeliness of having already read all its books). On the other hand, all books in a box set also have to be written in such a way that they appeal to the same target market–grouped either by genre, theme or cor e topic (non-fiction).Even within fiction, the landscape for bundles has become much more competitive. In his 2015 predictions for the publishing industry, Mark Coker announced that he believed this year would be one of collaboration between authors. If that is the case, we are about to see many more bundle efforts across all genres, which might threaten, in time, the â€Å"rarity†factor that has so much to do with their effectiveness.In that regard, the 7 authors of Outside the Box: Women Writing Women are ahead of their time; â€Å"contemporary fiction†bundles are rare due to the broadness of the generic distinction. But Outside the Box has been structured around an original common core that Joni Rodgers describes as â€Å"artistic integrity, serious craft chops and an unshakable belief that books by and about women are important.†Says Jane Davis:â€Å"I think it’s an incredibly strong set of books without borders. I don’t insult my readers b y assuming they only like to read one type of fiction. Visit any book club and you’ll see that readers welcome variety. But the irony of fighting against labels is that, ultimately, it was necessary to define what the box-set was about. Our decision was to focus on our characters and the boundary-breaking nature of our fiction.â€Å"It might very well be that OutsideThe Box: Women Writing Women is setting the template for indie author bundles in 2015. Here’s to their success.- - - We want to personally thank all the authors of â€Å"Outside the Box†, and David Gaughran, for their answers to our numerous questions on their respective experiences.This post was edited by our lovely editor Becca!You can find Ricardo (author of this post) and Reedsy on Twitter: @RicardoFayet and @ReedsyHQ  What’s your take on author bundles? Have you ever contemplated doing similar? What’s been your personal experience? Do let us know what you think in the comm ents below!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Cross Cultural Health Perspectives Personal Statement
Cross Cultural Health Perspectives - Personal Statement Example Q1- Even "objectively measured clinical outcomes" may be erroneous when there is a lack of cross-cultural understanding. Apart from attitudinal differences between the patient and the care provider leading to miscommunication, there could be 'real' differences like some conditions/immunities being more prevalent among some groups, and even differing responses to medication. Q 4 - Even a "conscientious" care-provider cannot eliminate all prejudice or false assumptions about other groups of people, as many of these may be deeply rooted-in his/her subconscious. Being aware of this enables me to question my assumptions, accept that I am prone to error, and retain a degree of flexibility to correct myself when the evidence points out that I may have culturally stereotyped a patient at any time. Q 5- When noting medical history where a communication barrier exists, yes or no answers are least useful (response a). It is possible that when the questions are asked, some important aspect may be ignored. My mistake in this question happened due to inattention. I gave the response for the 'most useful', instead for 'least useful'. The lesson for my in this is that I should be paying more attention, in general, when I do a task-whether reading something or listening to a patient. Lesson taken! Q 6 - The least useful technique when tackling a patient's beliefs about treatment is to tell the patient that his/her belief is false, even if this is done in a gentle manner (resp b), because beliefs could be deeply entrenched. I was unable to identify this, while doing the quiz. Q 13- Japanese men, after migration to the US, retain a lower susceptibility to coronary heart disease than the general population (resp b)-a fact which I now know. Facts like these, based on research studies, can be accessed by more study and reading. Q15 - Immigrants who go to traditional healers do not keep away from Western medicine (resp b-false) Q 17- A smile could express worry or dis-satisfaction in some cultures. (resp a) It is useful to know this, a fact which seems strange at first, but so necessary for a care provider to know so that diagnosis is correctly done. All the other responses (16 in number, as earlier mentioned) were correct. In order to maintain cultural competence-both to avoid the deficiencies as revealed in my quiz answers, as well as to strengthen my correct perceptions-I have to keep working at developing more empathy, enhance listening skills, retain openness of mind, and improve my information base by keeping myself updated about various research studies regarding health indicators of different cultural groups. Works Cited Hunt, Linda Beyond Cultural Competence in The Park Ridge Centre for Health, Faith and Ethics, , retrieved 30th Nov, 2008 The Provider's Guide to Quality and Culture , retrieved 30th
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Compare and Contrast the Ethic of Care and the Ethic of Justice Term Paper
Compare and Contrast the Ethic of Care and the Ethic of Justice - Term Paper Example One simple thing associated with ethics of care is relationship. A person is considered to be a moral agent who has the capacity to love, show mercy, affection and more. In other words, the moral identity of a person is based on his ability to feel about his environment and be sensitive to the needs of others as part of the idea of what is morally right or wrong. In other words, an individual tries to adapt to its environment because of his capacity to feel and create relationship. Ethics of care is considered as virtue ethics. In other words, ethics of care values emotional involvement in dealing with the lives of others (Lauritzen, 2002). The point of ethics of care is to preserve or nurture relations in series of relationships and attend and respond to the needs of others (Gilligan, 1993). A very definite example of ethics of care is a deep compassion and willingness to support young women who were experiencing unwanted pregnancies and social condemnation (Allvin et al., 2007). Et hics of justice defined Individual autonomous choice and equality are what the ethics of justice primarily considers (French & Weis, 2000). As pointed out by French and Weis justice is a product of a certain culture. This means that human belief, experience and more are integral parts of the moral justice. The disapproval of adolescent pre-marital sexual relations and abortion is a clear indication of the existence of ethics of justice (Allvin et al., 2007). Ethics of justice is centered on the issue of morality and self. Under the ethics of justice, there is a strong consideration of rights, rational conclusion, differentiating morality from law, definition of self via autonomy and personal confidence, restraining certain actions because of others’ needs, transposing a hierarchy of power into a hierarchy of values, and placing of problem into an impersonal conflict of claims (Gilligan, 1993). In other words, ethics of justice is still product of the human experience, but the re is a remarkable impact or influence of the issue of morality and philosophy in it. Care builds up self-esteem There are different needs of the humanity. Some people are hopeless. Some suffered this way due to some personal circumstances or reasons outside of their control. For instance, children who were victims of violence, physical or mental abuse needs primary care and attention. These individuals are hopeless and at some point innocent about how the world is turning against them. In this case, they need more care rather than providing them the justice they deserved. The reason is that the impact of violence may be harmful than trying to find justice for them. It is through effective care they would feel they are loved and their notion about the harsh environment may be changed. Thus, giving care is a way to change an individual’s perspective about life. In other words, the ethics of care is an integral part of someone’s ability to stand in the midst of trials an d hardships in life. This is just one of the simple illustrations why care is necessary for everyone. However, placing this at the point of view of clinical practice, care is an essential part of the patients’ need for survival or recovery. According to a certain study, a patient-centered service is associated with the delivery of care (O’Connell & Landers, 2008). It is further emphasized in the said study that patients and their relatives are looking forward to
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
KEPAK STRATEGY Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
KEPAK STRATEGY - Literature review Example           Introduction Kepak was founded in the mid-1960s by Noel Keating as a retail butcher’s business supplying wholesale beef to the food service sector and into other markets. Kepak had a turnover of Ä750 million in 2010 and had 1700 employees. The company processes 300 000 cattle and 1.5 million lambs each year. It operates through nine manufacturing facilities in Ireland and UK. The company’s principal activity is animal slaughter and the sale of meat in cut and processed formats through Kepak Meat Division. The firm has substantial business interests in convenience foods operated through Kepak Convenience Foods and an agricultural commodities trading business, Agra Trading. This paper explores Kepak’s business strategy in response to industry challenges and opportunities (Bell, Mcloughlin and Shelman, 2011, P.3). Examination of Kepak’s business environment The most popular tool in strategic management for analysing the business environment of a company is PESTEL. In the case of Kepak, the economic environment was affecting business negatively as the industry lacked predictability in financial performance. This according to the company CEO from 2010, John Horgan, made it difficult for Irish beef processors to plan for growth. In addition, Kepak was not a listed company thus limiting its access to capital to borrowing or trading profits in a very capital intensive business (Bell, Mcloughlin and Shelman, 2011, P.3). Supply chain consists of producers who sell cattle to processors who market the product internationally. Most of the cattle are grass fed and takes up to 30 months to mature compared to cereal fed beef which can finish in 12-15 months. The presence of agents hampers innovation in the supply chain as their role is historical and; therefore, they added little value (Bell, Mcloughlin and Shelman, 2011, P.3). Political and legislative factors are seen to influence the firms busi ness where the EU-wide introduction of decoupled Single Payment Schemes moved subsidy payments from actual production of commodities to other objectives contributing to a reduction in beef production. These factors negatively affected the firms business as there was an increase in live beef exports after 2008 as it was more profitable to export live-calf than to mature, slaughter and process them in Ireland. Change in the economic environment caused an increase investment by farmers in dairy products leading to a reduction in beef production as well as a concern among processors that this would lower the quality of beef products (Bell, Mcloughlin and Shelman, 2011, P.3). With respect to porter five forces, there were three major players in the beef processing industry and who accounted for 60-65% of the capacity and output. The perception was that these competitors would rather suffer lower margins than take compromises and retailers used this weakness to play processors against eac h other. Therefore, there was a negative effect of competitor rivalry in the beef business and, which affected the firm’s bottom line. According to literature by Porter, rivalry limits profitability in an industry as it transfers profitability directly to customers through price cuts and in this case customers try to achieve the same by playing firms against each other. Britain is Ireland’s major market for beef exports and shares similarities in both markets in beef tastes, systems of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Causes And Effects Of The Current Economic Crisis Economics Essay
Causes And Effects Of The Current Economic Crisis Economics Essay Overall economy is bullish; it is not only the stock exchanges that tell riches to rags stories but even small businesses. It all adds to the national exchequer. An economist is likely to give a detailed, comprehensive definition of recession. But for the layman who has been affected knows it only one way-when he loses his job and has no money to pay his credit and loans. Recession is when the consumer faces foreclosure and the banker comes knocking for his pound (or dollar) of flesh. Many companies and whole countries go bankrupt for want of liquid funds and cash flow for even daily requirements. If you look at it from the point of view of a businessman, recession is a transitory phase. The Business Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research has another definition. It profiles the businesses that have peaked with their activity in one season and it falls naturally in the next season. It regains its original position with new products or sales and continues to expand. This revival makes the recession a mild phase that large companies tolerate. As the fiscal position rises, there is no reason to worry. Recession can last up to a year. When it happens year after year then it is serious. Are we facing a recession or not? Yes, for the simple reason that not only our neighbors but our friends are unemployed. There is less of business talk and more billing worries. Transitory recessions are good for the economy, as it tends to stabilize the prices. It allows run away bullish companies to slow down and take stock. There is a saying, when its tough the tough get going. The weaker companies will not survive the brief recession also. Stronger companies will pull through its resources. So when is it time to worry? When you are facing a foreclosure, when the chips are down and out and creditors file cases for recovery. Firms face closures when they go through recession and are not able to recover from losses. If, at this time, they are not able to sustain their prices and stocks then there is more trouble. Even when the recession period gets over, they will not be able to do well. If a business survives a recession period they should be able to survive a depression. But how many recession proof businesses are there? Who will eventually survive the recession? 1. Those that have been able to save their funds. 2. Those who have not invested in fly-by-night companies. 3. Those who remain clam till the storm passes. 4. Those that take stock immediately and decide to reinvest in a recession proof business. GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS The world is seemingly inching towards recession .Companies are going bankrupt, stock market are nose diving and more employees are being laid off while companies struggle to cut cost. Looking theng back, it seems not so long ago when economies across the globe, especially india , were going through a boom . What went wrong ,then? Here,s a quick round up of the major events that bought the current economic downturn. 2001-2005: Housing prices shoot up in the US. Bank start lending aggressively, leading to the creation of sub primary Industry. Subprime lending refers to lending at slightly higher interest rates to borrowers,who under normal circumstances would not have been eligible for the loan .Such borrowers are consider to have a less -than-ideal credit as they may have defaulted in the past or are employed or without any regular income. Banks usually, refrained from lending to such people owing to the higher default risk. However, with the rise in property prices, banks started lending to such borrowers as these loans were mortgaged against property .In case of default, the banks could recover the money by selling off the mortgaged property. 2005: The prospering housing market comes to a standstill in many parts of the US. 2006: As the prices even out, homes sales drop. February 2007: Sub -prime bubble in the US burst-more than 25 sub prime lenders either go bankrupt, incur heavy losses or are up for the sale Banks files to take into account the possibly of a fall in property prices while undertaking sub prime lending . With the hike in interest rates by the Federal bank , the sub-prime borrowers began defaulting . This prompting banks to sell off the mortgaged properties. As more banks joined this trend of selling mortgaged properties , prices of property dropped down in the U.S. August 2007 : A no of leading mortgage lenders in the us go bankrupt : March 2008 : bear Sterns crumbles September 2008 : Lehman Brothers file for bankruptcy while Merrill Lynch is sold off to Bank of America Financial markets in the us developed a new product between 2001 nd 2006 . This product was in form of a bond securitized against mortgages . Financial institutions like bear sterns, Lehman brothers and Merrill lynch lent money to mortgage banks against the mortgages, on condition that these mortgage banks would repay the money as soon as they recovered their mortgages . These lenders ,in turn sold the retail bonds to individual investors . However, as mortgages could not be honoured , banks were unable to pay the back this money to financial institutions, who in turn could not pay repay individual investors. In the entire process, Institutions like Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers Merrill lynch and AIG got a serve blow. LEHMAN BROTHERS Lehman Brothers was founded in 1850 by two cotton brokers in Montgomery, Ala. The firm moved to New York City after the Civil War and grew into one of Wall Streets investment giants. On Sept. 14, 2008, the investment bank announced that it would file for liquidation after huge losses in the mortgage market and a loss of investor confidence crippled it and it was unable to find a buyer. Lehmans slow collapse began as the mortgage market crisis unfolded in the summer of 2007, when its stock began a steady fall from a peak of $82 a share. The fears were based on the fact that the firm was a major player in the market for subprime and prime mortgages, and that as the smallest of the major Wall Street firms, it faced a larger risk that large losses could be fatal. As the crisis deepened in 2007 and early 2008, the storied investment bank defied expectations more than once, just it had many times before, as in 1998, when it seemed to teeter after a worldwide currency crisis, only to rebound strongly. Lehman managed to avoid the fate of Bear Stearns, the other of Wall Streets small fry, which was bought by JP Morgan Chase at a bargain basement price under the threat of bankruptcy in March 2008. But by summer of 2008 the rollercoaster ride started to have more downs than ups. A series of write-offs was accompanied by new offerings to seek capital to bolster its finances. Lehman also fought a running battle with short sellers. The company accused them of spreading rumors to drive down the stocks price; Lehmans critics responded by questioning whether the firm had come clean about the true size of its losses. As time passed and losses mounted, an increasing number of investors sided with the critics. On June 9, 2008, Lehman announced a second-quarter loss of $2.8 billion, far higher than analysts had expected. The company said it would seek to raise $6 billion in fresh capital from investors. But those efforts faltered, and the situation grew more dire after the government on Sept. 8 announced a takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Lehmans stock plunged as the markets wondered whether the move to save those mortgage giants made it less likely that Lehman might be bailed out. On Sept. 10, the investment bank said that it would spin off a majority of its remaining commercial real estate holdings into a new public company. And it confirmed plans to sell a majority of its investment management division in a move expected to generate $3 billion. It also announced an expected loss of $3.9 billion, or $5.92 a share, in the third quarter after $5.6 billion in write-downs. By the weekend of Sept. 13-14, it was clear that it was do or die for Lehman. The Treasury had made clear that no bailout would be forthcoming. Federal officials encouraged other institutions to buy Lehman, but by the end of the weekend the two main suitors, Barclays and Bank of America, had both said no. Lehman filed for bankruptcy Sept. 15. One day later, Barclays said it would buy Lehmans United States capital markets division for $1.75 billion, a bargain price. Nomura Holdings of Japan agreed to buy many of Lehmans assets in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Lehman also said it would sell much of its money management business, including its prized Neuberger Berman asset management unit, to Bain Capital and Hellman Friedman for $2.15 billion. Lehmans demise set off tremors throughout the financial system. The uncertainty surrounding its transactions with banks and hedge funds exacerbated a crisis of confidence. That contributed to credit markets freezing, forcing governments around the globe to take steps to try to calm panicked markets. On Oct. 5, Richard S. Fuld Jr., Lehmans chief executive, testified before a Congressional panel that while he took full responsibility for the debacle, he believed all his decisions were both prudent and and appropriate given the information at the time. EFFECT ON THE INDIAN ECONOMY Impact of global recession on India America is the most effected country due to global recession, which comes as a bad news for India. India have most outsourcing deals from the US. Even our exports to US have increased over the years. Exports for January declined by 22 per cent. RECESSIONS ARE the result of reduction in the demand of products in the global market. Recession can also be associated with falling prices known as deflation due to lack of demand of products. Again, it could be the result of inflation or a combination of increasing prices and stagnant economic growth in the west. Recession in the West, specially the United States, is a very bad news for our country. Our companies in India have most outsourcing deals from the US. Even our exports to US have increased over the years. Exports for January have declined by 22 per cent. There is a decline in the employment market due to the recession in the West. There has been a significant drop in the new hiring which is a cause of great concern for us. Some companies have laid off their employees and there have been cut in promotions, compensation and perks of the employees. Companies in the private sector and government sector are hesitant to take up new projects. And they are working on existing projects only. Projections indicate that up to one crore persons could lose their jobs in the correct fiscal ending March. The one crore figure has been compiled by Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO), which says that it has carried out an intensive survey. The textile, garment and handicraft industry are worse effected. Together, they are going to lose four million jobs by April 2009, according to the FIEO survey. There has also been a decline in the tourist inflow lately. The real estate has also a problem of tight liquidity situations, where the developers are finding it hard to raise finances. IT industries, financial sectors, real estate owners, car industry, investment banking and other industries as well are confronting heavy loss due to the fall down of global economy. Federation of Indian chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) found that faced with the global recession, inventories industries like garment, gems, textiles, chemicals and jewellery had cut production by 10 per cent to 50 per cent IMPACT ON DIFFERENT SECTORS 1. Impact on stock market The immediate impact of the US financial crisis has been felt when Indias stock market started falling. On 10 October, Rs. 250,000 crores was wiped out on a single day bourses of the Indias share market. The Sensex lost 1000 points on that day before regaining 200 points, an intraday loss of 200 points. This huge withdrawal from the Indias stock market was mainly by Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs), and participatory-notes. 2. Impact on Indias trade The trade deficit is reaching at alarming proportions. Because of workers remittances, NRI deposits, FII investment and so on, the current deficit is at around $10 billion. But if the remittances dry up and FII takes flight, then we may head for another 1991 crisis like situation, if our foreign exchange reserves depletes and trade deficit keeps increasing at the present rate. Further, the foreign exchange reserves of the country has depleted by around $57 billion to $253 billion for the week ended October 31.(Sivaraman, 2008) 3.Impact on Indias export With the US and several European countries slipping under the full blown recession, Indian exports have run into difficult times, since October. Manufacturing sectors like leather, textile, gems and jewellery have been hit hard because of the slump in the demand in the US and Europe. Further India enjoys trade surplus with USA and about 15 per cent of its total export in 2006-07 was directed toward USA. Indian exports fell by 9.9 per cent in November 2008, when the impact of declining consumer demand in the US and other major global market, with negative growth for the second month, running and widening monthly trade deficit over $10 billions. Official statistics released on the first day of the New Year, showed that exports had dropped to $1.5 billion in November this fiscal year, (Sivaraman, 2008) from $12.7 billion a year ago, while imports grew by $6.1billion to $21.5 billion. 4.Impact on Indias handloom sector, jewelry export and tourism Again reduction in demand in the OECD countries affected the Indian gems and jewellery industry, handloom and tourism sectors. Around 50,000 artisans employed in jewellery industry have lost their jobs as a result of the global economic meltdown. Further, the crisis had affected the Rs. 3000 crores handloom industry and volume of handloom exports dropped by 4.6 per cent in 2007-08, creating widespread unemployment in this sector (Chandran, 2008). With the global economy still experiencing the meltdown, Indian tourism sector is badly affected as the number of tourist flowing from Europe and USA has decreased sharply. 5.Exchange rate depreciation With the outflow of FIIs, Indias rupee depreciated approximately by 20 per cent against US dollar and stood at Rs. 49 per dollar at some point, creating panic among the importers. 6.IT-BPO sector The overall Indian IT-BPO revenue aggregate is expected to grow by over 33 per cent and reach $64 billion by the end of current fiscal year (FY200). Over the same period, direct employment to reach nearly 2 million, an increase of about 375000 professionals over the previous year. IT sectors derives about 75 per cent of their revenues from US and IT-ITES (Information Technology Enabled Services) contributes about 5.5 per cent towards Indias total export. So the meltdown in the US will definitely impact IT sector. Further, if Fortune 500 hundred companies slash their IT budgets, Indian firms could adversely be affected. 7.FII and FDI The contagious financial meltdown eroded a large chunk of money from the Indian stock market, which will definitely impact the Indian corporate sector. However, the money eroded will hardly influence the performance real sector in India. Due to global recession, FIIs made withdrawal of $5.5 billion, whereas the inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) doubled from $7.5biilion in 2007-08 to $19.3 billion in 2008 (April-September). Conclusion From the above argument it can be noted down that the Financial or Subprime Crisis was the shear consequences of greed and to make too much profit on the part of Wall Street Firms and Investment Banks. This crisis also shows the failure of capitalist market economy. Though the Indian economy would be able to withstand the crisis without any major difficulty, but the crisis is still causing mayhem all over the world.
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